
When did our hearts forget those who are oppressed...?

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That is a stupid estimation to state that Iranians hate the government... Iranians OUTSIDE of Iran hate the Islamic republic not those who live IN here...

Why dont you live in Iran for a year and find out?




  1. [1:1]


    Yes, let us work righteousness [41:33], and follow the guidance of our LORD [10:109].

    Let us remember the oppressed, and show compassion for the down trodden [23:60].  Let us remember our brothers and sisters [19:96].  Let us serve God [Al-Fatiha].

    SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi

    SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi

    SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi

    Wa [Alaykumus] Salaam.

    edit: [49:10].[43:64].[41:8]

  2. Since our Donya kept us busy from our 2akherah ..

  3. If the truth were to follow their whims and desires, the heavens and the earth and everything in them would have been brought to ruin. No indeed! We have given their Reminder, but they have turned away from it.

    (Surat al-Muminun: 71)

    What reason could you have for not fighting in the Way of Allah - for those men, women and children who are oppressed and say, 'Our Lord, take us out of this city whose inhabitants are wrongdoers! Give us a protector from You! Give us a helper from You!'? (Surat an-Nisa': 75)

    Allah will not help us until we help ourselves. Until we free ourselves from the secular and nationalistic values that we have adopted and return to our deen.

    This means that we value the lives of our brothers and sisters regardless of nationality. We give our wealth and our lives to protect them from the oppressors.

    Until we truly submit to Allah (swt) and leave our yearning for the dunya and start yearning for the Akhira.

    Look at the state of the Muslims today, they don't even want to be ruled by the law of Allah (swt) because they think something else is better.

    BTW: Iran is not an Islamic State, it doesn't comprehensively implement the Sharia, it doesn't adopt the foreign policy of Islam and it does not adopt the Islamic economic system.

    In fact, there is not a country on earth that does this at the moment.

  4. It is paramount that mankind get beyond any and all dogmatic views, if we are to move forward.

    As long as we hold on to racial or religious ideologies we distance our selves from each other, and this undermines effective communications that would lead to mutual understanding.

    All to often, there is a competition for limited resources or the blantant disregard for human rights or the accumulation of wealth and/or power behind the evil perpetrated against the defendless.

    It really does'nt matter where one resides in this world, because oppression, disparity, and inhumanity is global.

    Now is the moment to awaken!

    Let the young people conclude that enough is enough! Let all the twenty-somethings unite globally, in an effort to resolve the differences that have obstructed peace and humanitarianism.

    I am not saying that, one must disgard his or her traditions and beliefs.

    However, we all have more in common if we would just AWAKEN--and step boldly and lovingly forward.

  5. People will feel more sympathetic when you do these in the name of humanity, not in the name of religion.

    Do you feel the same for Christians, Buddhists, atheists, I don't know, Hindu people that are oppressed? I hear no objection to the parya system that continues in India, for example? The homeless in USA? The dispossessed in China?

    It isn't "Muslim world" that we need to defend. It is the "human world" that is oppressed by local lords and kings and oligarchs and imperialists and capitalist overlords. And the way to do it isnot war. It is producing the computers that you use to spread the struggle against oppression.

  6. Salam brother,great thought.Usually,when i put forward such qstn,people just slander it as i am bashing islam ot that i am not muslim.

    Sadly,our community is in an odd satae.On one side we have people who are very rich and are included in all extravaganca.On the other end,we have millions of people depreived of any necessity in life,education,home,food and like.

    Muslims today are struggling to identify themselves with the 'other end' which doesn't exist in itself.We must not simply condemn every new step as "cpying west"..Let me ask you,what is wrong in copying good from others?When Saudigirl say,We should be modern",why people are only interested in thumbing down.Instead,why dn't we think of it in a better or broader sence.Is west all about s*x and whores and teenage mothers?Why are we inclined to see the wrong side alone of others?If their society was "low to the end' how do they still survive?Good and bad exist in every society.We need to assimilate the good ones and make ourselves better.

    When you say"Do u want to open w***e stores",do you think prostitution never happens in Muslim world?Do you think homosexuals dn't happen in Muslim world.Let us not close eyes and act blind.

    Our first step towards a better world should come from recognizing our own mistakes and correcting them instead of finding faults with others.

    As you know,only the Arab world can intervent in muslim issues all over the world..bcoz only they have money.Money can lead to power.Lets forget that muslim world as of now doens't have any power in world as such.If a sinlge Bush can initaite a war,dn't u think 3 musilm leaders can talk against it.But it is not happening.

    When rulers/leaders are not acting,it is the fellow citizens duty to make them act by protesting.But alaas,we are so indulged in securing our own pleasure that we hardly find time for all this..

    I hope time doesn't come when we ourselves make a gesutre "Why no person or nation is caring for my/our troublesome life".Lets pray Allah save all of us from what people on other end are going through.

    Changes need to happen collectiely.For a collective change,each individual must feel the need for it.Closing eyes and ears and acting deaf and blind will do good until the bullet struck ur own forehead..

  7. Salam!

    The reason for this in my view is that we never got to get free of our own feuds like ignorant people that's why don't really know the realities, many don't know if Somalia is a Muslim country.

    We are too used to all these things(you fogot nearest: Kashmeer)

    to even forget them, we just ignor them!

    There are fights in the Muslim countries for being Arab and no-Arab, Shia and Sunni,(not intend to bland in peace but..)

    Just in Pakistan (might not hae any idea), there are several young boys of Shias are killed every where they are found in group of some wolves who always keep eyes on them!

    The reason is that(last time we saw notes made by them saying that killing a Shia rewards Jannat in Free)

    Oh my God..........there are terrible things....just think.. with these much fears and killings, what is one suppoed to think about???

  8. The US policy of helping the down trodden died out many many years ago when the American structure became more and more class oriented and with the emerging newly wealthy became very elitist and snobbish about their success and felt superior to the working class.

    This evolved into today's belief, one held not only be the elite but by the common folk too, that it was 'their duty' to properly run the country.  And so they have done reducing most personal votes in this so-called democracy to an near valueless state.

    Now we show our pure lack of fair play and lack of empathy most rigorously in our foreign affairs.  In our almost omnipresent stance on the US way being the right way and everyone else be damned.  In the past few decades we have toppled democratically elected governments in a lot of the world and have supported a lot of dictators such as Saddam, Pinochet, Samosa, Shaw of Iran etc.

    At home we do not want to support welfare, or medicare or any such progressive programs and we push these programs aside as communist or socialist in nature.  We just don't give a d**n about our own people.  For all we care the homeless families could rot on the street corners in some part of our cities we fear to tread.

    We pretend that the war in Iraq is about freeing the Iraqis from oppression and the deposing of Saddam.  Killing Iraqi civilians by the tens of thousands, I keep hearing, is just something that happens in war.  Empathy has suffered a staggering  death in this country we consider the best in the world.

    I do agree that a lot of Iranians don't like their present president.  A good measure do.  Their president will change, probably, at the next election which will be held, I hope, without CIA interference.  I must remind you that a good majority of Americans dislike their president too.  But Bush will be gone.

  9. Alot of people do care but I guess one is just thinking about oneself and that it :( it is sad but that is the reality of life but should not be like that, as if anyone of our ummah aches we ache too! But I reflect on this too why don't many stand up and help, I know there are many people who are capable of doing so. That is why I wish I was a man so I could go out there and other places to help. But right now all I am capable of Is my Du'a

  10. Never have, never will.

    Peace brother

  11. Imam Ali (as) saying:

    ''To render relief to the distressed and to help the oppressed make amends for great sins.''

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