
When did people find out that global warming was a fact?

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and when did they find out that co2 actually warms the atmosphere? and why did the government allow us to drive cars if they knew we were all gonna die from global warming? it seems to me like we should sue the government to make this right!! they are the ones who are supposed to protect us from ourselves and they didnt! i dont know about you but i think the government should give everyone 1 million dollars to fix this!!!!




  1. That's a heck of a good question.  

    Science knew about the phenomenon and was tracking it before 1900.  

    Science did not play the role in government and society that it does today until WWII and later.  

    In between there, the petroleum industry made obscene profits and pretty much eliminated it's competition which was plentiful in 1900.

    Their vast pocketbooks played the same role with your elected officials that they do today.

    How's that?

  2. Never. Global warming is a theory.

  3. Where on Earth did you get the idea that  governments cares about the people .

    That must be your invention that governments exist to protect the people

    they exist to control the people

    Next thing you say will be that presidents are elected by the Public ,

    or that God is watching over us ,which it is .

    Have you considered the authenticity of  father Christmas.

    Don`t hold your breath waiting for the million dollars.

    In 1998 at a Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen ,an American spokes man said that the Agenda demanded that the world population had to be reduced by 60%,(that means that about 3 billion people must cease to exist)

    their focus is on De- population not saving it .

    A Global warming that killed billions of people would save them from starting a war for example

  4. Fear mongering. I'm afraid they'll take away our cars and tell us it's for the good of the environment.

    I've got this video. Check it out.

  5. Nothing in science is ever proven, only supported. So global warming is not a fact but a theory with a lot of evidence behind it. Cars are only a factor in global warming. Instead of demanding money we should be demanding that harsher restrictions are made on fuel efficiency and more money be put into clean energy like wind, solar etc.

  6. Wrong on a couple points.

    Global warming hasn't been determined as a man made situation. Just that is does exist.

    Our government isn't here to protect us from ourselves. It's here to protect us from others. (like other countries and terrorists)

  7. It was known in the 70's that it was an increasing problem. But Natural Global warming has been happening for thousands of years, We just contirbute  an disgusting amount of toxic waste to increase the problem. We could delay this problem if we were not so greedy and selfish. There are so many green living alternatives and solar energy sources..

    And about the goverment?

    its all about  the pretty green papper..

    Watch "An Inconvienient Truth:" by Al gore

    Its horrible, I know.

  8. AGW is theory, not fact. The rest is propaganda....

  9. dude if you havent figured it out yet the government is above the laws they create. so even if global warming was a fact no one will ever sue them, they will not apologize, and you will be expected to just deal with it and keep paying taxes or go to prison.

    now go vote for the puppet on the left or the puppet on the right.

  10. The theory behind the science was developed over the past 100+ years, but the first evidence started being noticed in the early 1900s and the understanding advanced in the late 1900s as it started to get researched more:

    One of the first pieces of evidence that was presented as "smoking gun" proof was identified in 2005:

    "Scientists at Columbia University, NASA, and the Department of Energy have found that the Earth is out of energy balance: the Earth is absorbing more energy from sunlight than it is emitting back to space in the form of heat radiation. This imbalance provides confirmation of global warming theory and a measure of the net forcing that human’s are applying to the Earth by adding greenhouse gases and other pollutants to the Earth’s atmosphere."

  11. Global warming is not a fact. And you will die of old age long before it has any significant effect on our planet.

  12. Svante Arrhenius first speculated that changes in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could substantially alter the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect in 1896.

    Scientists have been warning us that human CO2 emissions would actually cause this to happen since the 1960s.

    Suing the government won't do any good.  We need to force the government to take action to regulate greenhouse gas emissions though.

  13. Arg...where to begin...

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