
When did people first start sitting for photographs?

by Guest58132  |  earlier

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And when did it become popular and available to those who were not rich?




  1. my oldest photograph is 160 years  old it,s of my gggrandmother....

  2. Overall, I know photos were taken during the Civil War (1860s).  Photographers became more popular between then and 1900, and a lot will depend on your ancestor's residence.

    The oldest I have is taken from a tintype, of someone who died in 1890, so I know it is taken not long before that.  A cousin was able to convert it via scanning.

    some sources for learning about old pics.

    Have fun.  

  3. Here is a link to photography and the earliest known photograph.

    My earliest photos are undated, but all are estimated to be taken in the late 1800s to early 1900s.  I have pictures of several of my g-g-g-grandparents at various stages of age.

  4. The first photographs were taken in the late 1830s in Europe.  They were of landscapes and still lifes because the sensitive material was not very sensitive and required a long exposure.  In one by Daguerrre you see a street scene with a man getting his boots polished but you don't see the shoe shine guy because he was moving.  Earliest portraits were about 1840 and they required a head rest and no smile because the exposure was still quite lengthy.

    Photos for the not so rich?  Tintypes and cartes de visites, both around 1850-1880.

    Oldest photo in my possession? Daguerrotype of a paternal relative from about 1850 who looks like a dead brother.

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