
When did people start denying global warming? Also, why do they deny it?

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The US, China, Europe, and India are pumping tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which is know to increase the tempurature.

When did people start denying global warmings? Also, what reason do they have to do so? Are they just trying to be good Republicans? Do they not want to give up their SUVs?




  1. No one wants global warming to come. It will ruin everyones life. Thats why!

  2. they dont want it to occur. if ice melts in the poles, it will add to our oceans and probably flood in coastal cities, including new york city, san diego, all those. in my opinion, i would somehow agree. id rather not know the world is burning and all the cool places along the shore (no offense) may be seriously flooded. That also includes navy bases, so the boats could come up to land...and they are huge.

  3. When did people start pretending that theories were facts.  When did people start pretending that they were informed on the issue when they clearly were not.  What makes someone believe that we have caused it to warm.  Is it because they don't understand the complexity of the issue?  What makes someone feel so much guilt that they believe that they must be responsible for everything bad, even imaginary or at best hypothetical temperature increases that have many benefits?  What makes these people so sure that warming is bad?  Why are they so willing to abrogate their own intelligence to a political cause?  Why can't they enjoy a warm day?  Your guess is as good as mine.

  4. Wouldn't it be interesting if we are on the end of the warming trend?

    Coldest winter in China in over 100 years

    Al Gore was predicting an ice age in the early 70's.

    What happened.

    Rachel Carson in "Silent Spring" predicted pesticides would decimate nature with a poison named DDT

    Earlier Scientists predicted people would die if a train went over 20 mph as they would suffocate at that speed.

  5. maybe when it seemed like it would cost 'em money?

    probably in the late 90s.

    but what about the trolls that repeat what they haven't a clue about?

    when limburger told 'em that the democrats were going to take their trucks, cars, and SUVs away, and they'd have to ride the bus.

  6. As the theory came out, there were scientists who were saying, lets not jump to conclusions, the climate changes all of the time.   We need more time to study it.  These people were immediately attacked and their motives were questioned for saying such a thing.  

    Lets assume that the theory of AGW is true.  Do you think that is everybody gave up their SUV global warming would stop?   A lot more actions that that are need, and those actions will be costly.  

    "Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned that such carbon caps have a cost – stating in his book, “The Age of Turbulence,” that the effect would be limited unless imposed globally. Caps imposed only on the United States would be detrimental.

         “There is no effective way to meaningfully reduce emissions without negatively impacting a large part of an economy,” Greenspan wrote. “Net, it is a tax. If the cap is low enough to make a meaningful inroad into CO2 emissions, permits will become expensive and large numbers of companies will experience cost increases that make them less competitive. Jobs will be lost and real incomes of workers constrained.”

    Do you know that many scientists have studied the earths temperatures in the past, and they have found that the earth was warmer about 1000 years ago during a time known as the Medieval Warm Period, and about two degrees warmer during the time of the Romans.  Those were times when civilizations flourished.  So who is to say that a warming is going to be bad.  Of course that is something that the alarmist do not want you to know.  So they had to "get rid of"  the medieval warm period.

    “With the publication of the article in Science [in 1995], I

    gained significant credibility in the community of scientists

    working on climate change. They thought I was one of

    them, someone who would pervert science in the service of

    social and political causes. So one of them let his guard

    down. A major person working in the area of climate

    change and global warming sent me an astonishing email

    that said “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm


    Source: Presentation by S McIntyre At Conference Stockholm Sweden, September 9 2006

    So that is why I do not believe in AGW.  I do not trust people who "pervert science". I do not trust people who use intimidation to achieve censorship.  I also not do not believe even if it is not true, it is still good insurance and it can't hurt, like others claim.

  7. the people who deny it are the people who dont care that its occuring. we are DESTROYING this planet and they could care less. the only thing they want is the money. they dont want people getting worked up about it and stopping buying their products. (like SUVs, yes.) they started denying global warming almost as soon as they saw it was starting. they lied to the public to make them believe that it wuz a myth so theyd go about their normal PLANET KILLING lives so theyd earn more money. ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY W/ HUMANS. well if we die, WE WONT NEED MONEY.


  8. actually it is colder now than in the Vikings time.

  9. "Denying?"  How about there are a zillion crackpot theories hatched each year that no one pays any attention to.  And lots of scientific theories -- peer reviewed and all -- found to be without foundation.  How about a Nobel prize, of all things,  awarded to a bogus cancer theory?

    People don't question we have warmed from a glaciation 10,000 years ago in our CURRENT ice age where New York was under a mile of ice.

    They question is whether mankind had anything to do with it.

    The null hypothesis is that, we don't have significant influence.

    The burden of proof is on the advocates of AGW to show evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that their explanation is the only plausible one.

    Right now there is more than one reasonable explanation, because the data are so flakey.

    Raiding the taxpayers wallets to insist we have colder winters ... is a political non-starter.  Coupling ridiculous predictions 100 years out that everything bad is attributed to AGW just weakens any support.

    What if you lived in n**i Germany and hung a sign on your door that Jews were just like everyone else.  You would have been called a "denier" and probably not fared too well.

  10. They started denying it when they figured out they were contributing to it.

  11. A spokesman for the Royal Society, Britain's leading scientific academy, said: "At present there is a small minority which is seeking to deliberately confuse the public on the causes of climate change.

    "They are often misrepresenting the science, when the reality is that the evidence is getting stronger every day.

    "We have reached a point where a failure to take action to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions would be irresponsible and dangerous."

  12. When their prediction of 100 degree weather turned into 6 foot of snow

  13. Atmospheric CO2 was 10-15 times higher than it is now for the duration of a major ice age that lasted for over 20 million years. That's how powerful the CO2 greenhouse effect is.

    YA links are not working, google "The Geological Record and Climate Change" by Tim Patterson.

  14. Global Warming has been questioned and denied probably form it's onset. I would guess the first person to come up with the theory showed it to another and he probably thought the guy was crazy.

    The US, China, Europe, and India are pumping tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which is "believed" to increase the temperature. It is still a theory not fact. It is not proven that this is 100% the cause and it is not proven to what extent it affects the climate. Some of the things that would cause people to deny are; the facts don't add up, they don't believe the extent the politicians and media exagerate it to, they are tired of hearing it crammed at them by religious like zealots that have little understanding of it them selves, they disagree with the silly laws and rules being passed through congress that will be ineffective and hamper our rights.

  15. global warming was never universally accepted. i don't DENY global warming, but I do not think it necessarily true either. the reason? I know a bit about geology, and i know many natural functions take a long time.

    400 years of research is just not enough.  Carbon dioxide levels have not been this high in 650,000 years, and I am pretty sure humans did not cause it back then. I am not thoroughly convinced that the increases these days have much to do with us.

    the theory right now is sort of like pulling a red marble out of a bag, and determining that bag is full of red marbles. it could be full of red marbles, but it could also be 2 red marbles and 8 lbs of barley. The sample set is not large enough.

    that said i still think it is important we try to minimize our impacts on the environment.

  16. They started doubting it when the issue and the science became politicized. They continue to doubt due to a lack of confirming evidence.

  17. The people who deny it are the ones who are going to have to change their ways the most drastically. and they've always denied it. It's not going to affect just their personal lives it's also going to affect their business's.

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