
When did puerto rico start paying taxes.?

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i never knew they did but my friend keeps saying that they pay taxes. n is it a sufficient amount? i don't understand why doesn't p.r just declare its self a state or something instead of just smooching off the u.s




  1. Puerto Rico does pay taxes. PR just started paying sales tax a little while ago. But I assume you mean federal taxes. PR has ALWAYS paid federal taxes. They do not pay federal income tax(unless u work for the govt), but they pay medicaid, SSI & all the other federal taxes in full.

    Also because they dont pay income tax, they cannot vote for president & they cant receive a tax return. & the US govt caps SSI & medicaid in PR. So although they pay those taxes in full, they do not benefit from it. The US ends up making a surplus from that tax which covers most of the unpaid income tax anyway. Not to mention the US gets other things from PR, like soilders & military bases. So please wait until you learn the facts before you accuse anyone of Smooching off of the US. also PR can not just declare themselves a state or a free country. The US must do it. But people can pick a side & fight for it if they'd like.  

  2. almost always but i think early last year. CRAPPY

  3. since 2007 PR pays two kinds of taxes.

    the tax is higher than the state of florida, over here is 7 cents of each dollar while in florida is 6 or 6.5 of each dollar.

    things over here are moe expensive than the US and definetly not looking good. the taxes thing over here in PR is all a scam, instead of using it for good purposes in society, its only been used for corruption and the government staff living expenses. the only difference keeping PR to become a state is peoples subborness, after the taxes whats done its done, very sadly.

  4. There are many kinds of taxes, which one(s) you are asking about.

    Sales Tax?

    1.Known as IVU, since 2007, 7% on products and services.  Before that we did not paid sales tax at point of sale, BUT the merchandise imported to PR had to pay a tax/fee  (arbitrio) to PR goverment of 6.6% of sale price.  That cost was included in the price paid by customers.

    2. Local Income Tax?

    We pay taxes over out incomes (salaries, tips, interests, dividends, etc.) to PR goverment for decades.

    3. Property Tax?

    There are property taxes (CRIM) in PR.

    4. Federal Income Tax (IRS)?

    * No, we do not pay Federal Income tax (just federal employess in PR pay to the IRS).  Since we are a territory and can not vote in the elections for the President, and we have no Senators / Representatives at the House/congress, the US constitution says we are not required to pay taxes to IRS.  

    * Until we get the right to vote for the President, have 2 Senators like any other state have, and receive the number of seats at the Congress according to the population we have; we are not required to pay income tax to IRS.

    5. Social security taxes?

    We pay the same amount of SS related taxes over our payroll than the SS taxes people pay in the states.  However, we do not receive the same amounts in SS benefits than those who reside in the states.


    If you consider that we pay the same % than any other worker pays in USA but much less in benefits, USA is charging us in SS payroll taxes what we are not paying in IRS taxes; then we are even not smooching off the USA.


    Declaring ourselves an state?

    Proportions right now are :

    40 to 45% in favor of statehood for PR.

    40 to 45% in favor to remain in our current status: commonwealth  (or just with minimal changes)

    3% to 5% in favor of independence of PR

    Whatever % left to complete the 100% is undecided on what they want.  support for statehood have increased over the decades since 1967, but we have not reached a clear mayority yet.

    Besides, how much is worth a self declaration by PR as an state without USA agreeing to honor it?  Could we just elect two persons and sent them to the Senate to insist being recognized as US senators?  Elect seven or so Representatives and demande they receive seats at the Congress with full speech & voting rights?

    Both USA and PR must agree to have the status changed.

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