
When did "going green" actually start? And what is the percentage of people going green until now?

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When did "going green" actually start? And what is the percentage of people going green until now?




  1. people have been "going green" since the late 50's.  the push to "go green" became popular with certain groups in the mid and late 60s and then there became a more mainstream push to do so in the early-mid 70s.  things quieted down about about being more environmentally conscious in the 80s and then picked back up in the late 90s.  The last 5 years the public has really taken seriously being more environmentally aware.

    I'm not sure when the expression "go green" was started, but I'd say it was probably in the late 90s or at the start of this century.

  2. It's impossible to calculate the percentage of people who have "gone green" up until now as there is no absolute definition for the term.

    One person's "green" might involve recyling, while for somebody else nothing less than becoming a fully self-sufficient, child-less, non-car driving vegan would count as being green.

    The important thing is that we all do what we can. We only have one earth!

  3. Depends what you mean by 'going green', English Romantics were Greenies centuries ago, Indian women started the original tree hugging (Chipko movement) in the 70's, many indigenous cultures have been at least relatively 'green' for millenia.

    From Wiki: "the earliest known writings concerned with environmental pollution were Arabic medical treatises"

    The number of eg. Australians who get it enough to walk their talk is imho less than 1% (and i'm not counting me, yet). 'Going green' will take us generations, wish we'd started a few ago.

  4. It started before Al Gore's thing and live earth. But after the 2 term of Bush started.

  5. Greener Cities is basically a much better quality of life, think about it, More open park space, Cleaner air quality & water quality, Bike lanes and Great public transportation, light rails, trains, incentives for buying hybrid car or home owners installing solar panels. Think about it, its just much nicer living. More health food stores & less fast foods, more Organic shops and yoga and fitness centers that promote healthy and green living. Educated people that actually care to protect and appreciate this magical world we all share and live in. This to me is a heaven on Earth lifestyle where everyone is trying their best to make healthier choices from the way we live to the way we treat each other. Its really a revolution going on right now, we have  a women running for president, an African-American running for president. We have conservatives who are starting to think  of actually conserving, we have evangelical christian leaders speaking about positive change, we have kids who are growing up telling their parents they are vegans, vegetarians and they want their dad to buy the cool new hybrid Jeep. We have a Green Movement which is simply improving the lives of everyone for generations to come, so keep it up everyone, its a beautiful change, you deserve it, and so do you kids. Love All

  6. It started with the Industrial Revolution and it's all about maintaining a balance between 'technological progress' and 'quality of life'.

    Even if Technology does find a replacement for oil, if it does find a way of preventing sea levels from rising, if is does find a way of controlling our climate, I still don't want to live in a Science Fiction world where the only things Green are the Aliens from another planet.

  7. It is just a new name for what happened in the 1970's.

    Air pollution used to be so bad all over the U.S. that the sky opacity was sorely affected.

    Landfills used to have no rules or over-sight. Companies and individuals would load up whatever c**p and dump it directly on the ground. The toxins would seep into the water table and ground water.

    Gas used to have lead in it, and the hippies started the Green movement and many of us never stopped.

  8. Going green is just the recent term for it. I like it and I like how popular its becoming. My family was always green but I think its 'cause my parents were hippies back in the day. But green has always been around just by other names. There have always been people who protested abuse of the earth and environment. It's just finally relaly starting to come to light with the age of the internet.

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