
When did scientist first notice global warming?

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When did scientist first notice global warming?




  1. When it became profitable to get in on it, so right after global cooling and acid rain were abandoned.

  2. Well the first scientist to produce the greenhouse effect was Joseph Fourier in 1824 and then Svante Arrhenius continued the investigation and looked into how ice ages developed and was the first person to believe carbon dioxide could contribute to global warming around the early 1900's.

  3. October 26-29, 1975

    1975 ‘Endangered Atmosphere’ Conference

    Are you old enough to read and understand this?

  4. I think they have been studying it for decades...

  5. Don't believe the hype. The government knows what to say and do to benefit themselves. I believe the scientists that are not paid for by the government.

  6. It first became a concern in the 1800's.  But it wasn't until post WW2, when the military became interested in gaining more knowledge about weather and climate, that sufficient research funding was available to extensively study the issue.  The 1960's were when the growing concern within the scientific community began in earnest.

  7. ...When the environmentalists and the liberals needed a new way to make off with more taxpayer dollars.

  8. The first one was at the end of the ice age

    .. . ..

    The next is about 10 years ago

    Before that it was only a theory

    .. . ..

  9. It was first theorised in the 1800's and subsequently discreditied up until about 1990 when people noticed that the Earth was warming, so the coming ice age theories were dropped and it was revived despite being highly speculative.

  10. The first computer models predicting the "greenhouse effect" were in 1968 I believe.

  11. When it became politically expedient to do so. Many scientists do not believe it is anything more than a natural cycle.

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