
When did s*x become a bad thing?

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When did s*x between two consenting, developed, and protected people start having negative connotations. Also, what age is the youngest people should have s*x generally speaking?




  1. s*x became a bad thing when it became something of little to no real value.

    I don't think that people should have s*x until they are married.  Its a bonding mechanism, and you should never have to "protect" yourself from the other person in an act thats supposed to be about giving yourself to the other person

  2. It shouldn't be a bad thing.

    I think the national average for a girl is like 16 and for a guy is 15, so those should be the youngest ages.

  3. Since 12 and 13 old years girls started getting pregnant ...and to top things off ...they want to keep the baby.....s*x between children who do not know what is best for them or think about consequences is bad...s*x isn't a bad long as u use protection..

  4. i have seen 12 year olds have s*x............ its scaryyyy

  5. s*x between two consenting people became wrong when it started happening to people who just 'think' they are two consenting people who are ready for s*x.  The youngest someone should be is about 18 I'd say.  They need to be able to deal with the consequences of s*x, including babies and aids and all that comes from s*x.  They need to understand what could happen if the condom breaks or if they were unaware someone had an illness.  They need to know how to take care of themselves and be able to get to appointments for their child and themselves.  They need a CAR and a drivers liscense.  They need to be done with school.  Children should have their minds on their school work and not s*x.  I was 18 when I first had s*x and I'm still with that same man 5 years later.  When I hear about 15 year old girls that are having s*x and pregnant, it's just horrible.  They are still children themselves!  Don't worry about s*x right now.  Be a child while you still can.  Don't rush into anything!

  6. When 13-16 year ols started having it!!!

    You should be at least 17-18 before you have s*x...honestly I think you should be married first, ut that is my opinion!!!

  7. s*x isn't a bad thing in itself.  The bad thing is a large group of irresponsible teenagers using s*x to up their reputation at school.

  8. i like this question lol

    i don't think that s*x ever did become a bad thing just the teens that are having it but really who we to judge if someone wants to mess of their life and have unprotected s*x thats their choice and like i hate that adults frown down upon teens 15 and 16 having s*x because like really they did it to when they were that age so what makes it so wrong now?

    and there really isn't a set age for s*x but i feel that if you are ready at 15 or 16 then why not?

    but thats my opinion!

    and i don't honestly believe that most people can wait till they are married

    and if they can more power to them!

  9. 14 .. or 15 is the genral age i think the thing is alot of people would like s*x to still be something saved for marriage and as we know it's not really anymore

  10. When 11 year olds started having s*x...No 11 year old in the right mind should be sexually active.

  11. IDK thats what I adked lol. I lost mii virginity at 11. gets worst and worst BLAH BLAH BLAH. im 13

  12. s*x in the instance you describe is not a bad thing.

    s*x between children who do not know what is best or think about consequences is bad.

    The youngest people should have s*x is 17 .

  13. it never did

    its just because its taken for granted by so many people

    like ignorant teens

    there is no set age

    when ur in love, married, financially stable, and could support a child

  14. legally and its become negative cuz of the adloscent people going around experimenting and not being responsible.

  15. dude im so with you like s*x is great why are people fliping about im 15 and have had s*x i mean come on its great.

  16. s*x is not a bad thing,

    its just part of nature.

    and you can start having s*x when you think

    your ready for it,

    but you also have to think about the responsibilities and

    the sexual diseases

  17. I dont know about generally speaking, but in my eyes, nobody should have s*x until they are ready to take care of a baby, because anything can happen. You should have a steady job and be out of school! I'm just saying...

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