
When did society start to view pleasure, fun and emotional attachment as the purpose of s*x?

by Guest45024  |  earlier

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and pregnancy as it perversion?




  1. people have been having s*x just for fun for oh let's see............forever.

  2. great question.........

    I know in Roman times...s*x was view for pleasure.  being bi was pretty much everyone's way of life...they had crazy orgy parties.

    but then it changed back to being only for reproduction, during the Victoria much so they had a "medical condition" for s*x starved females "hysteria"


    Women have been using Herb's and other things to prevent or end pregnancy for a long time

    Egyptians used crocodile dung as a sperm killer (modern test show it does work...dont think I will try it)

    Cobalt has been used for a long time 80 AD to create blue is also used for abortions.

    Roman's midwifes helped with both abortions and births...

    Basically Abortion and types of BC have been around for a long time

    here ..."Herbal Fertility Control"

    Edit...I was incorrect it was blue cohosh  or  black cohosh that's been used for abortions...not Cobalt (my bad)

  3. About the same time it started to view the purpose of life as pleasure, fun and emotional attachment.  I doubt many people would be willing to return to a life of dour obligation and no freedom of choice :-)

  4. When we realized that procreation was optional, and that if the process that leads to procreation is enjoyable, we might as well enjoy it.

  5. Very good question. Pregnancy is treated by most these days as an STI.

    s*x without intended pregnancy, with protection, between two people in love is in my mind, fine. It is when s*x is viewed to have been created for our pleasure, and our pleasure only and solely. One night stands, s*x with someone you do not care about and such. Disgusting.

  6. The Romans seemed to have that concept nailed.  Procreation is the primary purpose of s*x, of course, but the idea of "s*x for fun" isn't really a NEW concept.

    Edit: Is that really what society sees it as, or is this just another foray into the abortion debate?

    2nd Edit:  Well then I'll just leave a plate of cookies on my way out.

  7. On the Origin of the Species.

    Charles Darwin

    Voyage of the Beagle.

  8. Since Adam and Eve.

  9. Well, that's the purpose of s*x for me, since I don't want children. I don't consider pregnancy a "perversion" but I dutifully avoid it.

  10. pregnancy has always been viewed as a disease by the phallocracy.  you seem to think this idea is something new.

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