
When did support for Obama's Presidential bid peak?

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As the first Democratic Presidential candidate in decades to not be leading the Republican Presidential candidate by a significant margin in late August, when do you think support for Obama peaked?




  1. maybe once he became the sole candidate and people started to get to know him.

    I'm just glad for the trend.

    Thanks for reporting it.


  2. during the runoff with Clinton. The dems were getting so much press, the MSM was having orgasms writing about either one of their newfound saviors. but as soon as reality kicked in and input from all walks of life started to be taken into account, not just the dems who were voting in the primaries, that's when he started to tumble.

  3. After Super Tuesday...when after all the Republicans voted against Hillary, it gave Barrack's Sheep the idea he could win...and made it where Hillary could not come back...but after the Rev problems and friend problems he has been dropping ever since...I just think the polling group have stopped polling so much in the areas where Obama is know college towns, inter cities, the Left Coast...I love it when a plan comes together...

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