
When did the Iraq War become a hopeless quagmire?

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When did the Iraq War become a hopeless quagmire?




  1. It never has, try keeping up!

  2. As soon as the 04 presidential elections began

  3. When the liberals take over and are in charge of policy.

  4. As soon as The people of the United States let Bush send troops in.

    I am an old hippy, WE stopped a war, What have you do today?

  5. try reading the news.  violence is down, refugees are returning home and the pelosi/reid regime isnt whining about benchmarks NEVER WAS a quagmire.

  6. Since the Republithugs began running it which is from the first day. The Bush Monsters ran the war the same way they ran the Katrina hurricane relief effort, the economy ( the mortgage meltdown and falling dollar), the legal system ( byebye Habeas Corpus),  the energy supply (great riches for Big Oil and high prices for us), and the Veterans Administration (giving suicide pills to treat PTSD. More of it to come with Senator John McBush !!!

    Senator OBAMA  really looks GOOD compared to these bums doesn't he ???

  7. Ever since we won the war and decided to stay in Iraq for no apparent reason.

    Sorry i meant

    Ever since we won the war and decided to stay in Iraq to help people who hate us.

  8. You meant 'When did the Iraq War stop being a hopeless quagmire?', right? I was sure you did!

    So, let me hep ya out wit dat one, Binky: When the surge started. Doh!

    I know your crowd doesn't understand really, really simple concepts like 'Nothing succeeds like success.' but that really is the way the real world works. Even when your crowd is a wishin' 'n a hopin' that it's not true. Truth trumps delusions - EVERY TIME!

  9. Hopeless?.... someone hoped and it got better.

    Quagmire? got better.

    I guess the answer is.  Never was.

    Now, after responding to democrat rhetoric. I must say this thing was handled pretty bad for 2 or 3 years of the 4 years.

    Initial invasion was superb and the McCain surge worked great. Everything in between was a colossal cluster f**k.

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