
When did the Parapsychological Association last present research at an AAAS annual meeting?

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I went through the available AAAS archives and I couldn't find any examples of parapsychology research being presented. I'm sure some members of the PA must have presented at an AAAS meeting in the past at some point. Does anybody have dates/titles? Thanks for the information.




  1. I've got an answer for you.  It was 1975. See below. One of the themes of the 1975 AAAS meeting was "Frontiers of Science". I think they were still hopeful that the PA would deliver some exciting breakthroughs. I suspect that other PA members probably presented in the same symposium but I couldn't locate that information to be sure. It is notable that the symposium was about the (mis)application of psi findings, not on the actual determination of those findings.

    I found this by looking at all the full members of the PA and going through their listed publications/presentations. Many of them had PhD's, some didn't. Many are very accomplished in an accepted field of science, usually psychology or some aspect of medicine. Most of the published works listed by the PA members are published in parapsychological journals, but some are not.  Most presentations were given to the PA or to other small conventions. This Stanford fellow seems to be an exception who delivered a number of presentations on psi to the American Psychological Association.

    So as far as I can tell, 40 years of affiliation resulted so far in one confirmed presentation to an AAAS annual meeting by a PA member, 32 years ago.

  2. Many PA members participated in the AAAS Western Regional meeting in June 2006 at the University of San Diego, as part of a physics symposium. The proceedings of that conference were published by the American Institutes of Physics.

    A proposal is presently in for PA members to present a symposium at the AAAS national meeting in February 2009.

    PA members have also given presentations at many other scientific meetings over the years, and they continue to do so.

  3. I'm not surprised.  Usually, standards for posters at meetings are pretty low, but parapsychologists probably can't even manage to get enough of an effect to bother.  Margaret Mead really blew it on that group - they never should have been allowed in, and should be kicked out until they prove that parapsychology is scientific.

  4. It appears the answer is never and I can tell you why.I've researched the AAAS.It's Board of Directors and members.From what I see,the AAAS is a nest of Skeptics.They treat the PA like an insane uncle.Locked in the attic and never mentioned.

  5. I have never seen any parapsychological studies besides postings by paranormal evangelists and the believers' own network of self-promotion.

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