
When did the United States of America officially become "The United States of America"?

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When did the United States of America officially become "The United States of America"?




  1. After the Civil War.  Prior to the War Between the States the thirteen colonies were a confederation of states.

  2. After WWII, when America became the most dominate power in the Western world. As the British Empire collapsed during the 1950s and American promience rose, we went from "the" to "The."

    And we haven't looked back since.

  3. The term America, for the lands of the western hemisphere, was coined in 1507 after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer and cartographer.[11] The full name of the country was first used officially in the Declaration of Independence, which was the "unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America" adopted by the "Representatives of the united States of America" on July 4, 1776.[12] The current name was finalized on November 15, 1777, when the Second Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, the first of which states, "The Stile of this Confederacy shall be 'The United States of America.'"

  4. July 4th 1776 the declaration of independence was approved, although signing started on July 2nd and didn't end for several years.  From that day, we were the United States of America

  5. July 2, 1776.  Here is the langauge from the second to last paragraph of the Declaration of Independence:

    "We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America . . "

  6. the american people did not start refering to there country as THE United States of America until after the Civil War, before then it was refered to as THESE United States.  While seemingly meaningless this was important because it symbolized the american public had transitioned from thinking of themselves as say "A Virginian First" to an American First

  7. After the Revolutionary War?

  8. July 4, 1776. The signing of the Declatation of Independence.

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