
When did the YEAR first become invented?

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2008 years ago?





  1. 4236 BC was the first recorded year, by the Egyptians, the first to note and record that time seemed to move in 365 day cycles.  Even before that, humans had discovered through studying celestial bodies that there were shorter cycles.

  2. The year exists independent of human awareness, so it could not be invented: merely discovered.

    It is highly likely that in a non-numerical way people were aware of the cycle of the seasons as soon as they had enough brain to collate past experiences. Hunter-gatherers, and farmers even more so, need to be aware of natural cycles.

    Attempts to count the number of moons, days etc. in a year began early, in all civilisations. Other responders have correctly identified the Chinese, Aztecs and Babylonians as pioneers; there must have been many more. It is clear, for instance, that whoever built Stonehenge must have had a good idea of the calendar.

    Increasing astronomical awareness has led to ever more precise timing of the year and other phenomena, down to the present day.

  3. no, not 2008 years ago, because B.C years.

    im not sure when but when people discovered a sense of time i guess.

  4.  that should answer your question

  5. The Aztecs made thought of it when they followed the moon, they also came up with the theory that the world would end on 2012

  6. The chinese people usually have the 'first' in inventing things. fact.

  7. They say the Babylonians had worked out years, months, weeks and days.

    The Egyptians also had worked out a similar system, but they had a problem with the leap year, and that wasn't solved until much later.

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