
When did the ancient Roman Empire collapse?

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When did the ancient Roman Empire collapse?




  1. The Roman Empire did not just fall apart one day. The 476 AD date that most people use is just a convenient date, but Rome more or less just faded out of existence, at different rates in different regions, until it was gone. But there was no sudden fall.  

    The Western half of the Empire fell first. The fifth century was the main time of collapse it the West: Rome abandoned Britain in 407 AD, and by 500, Gaul, Spain, and Africa was lost. But although Romulus Augustus was overthrown and replaced by Odavacer and then Theodoric (Germans leaders) in Italy, these men continued Roman civilization in Italy.

    And in the sixth century there was a resurgence of the Roman Empire under Justinian I, who reconquered Africa, Italy, and parts of Spain. But after his death these regions went into decline, and barbarians moved in.

    A popular thesis (called the Pirenne Thesis) is that the Ancient Roman world collapsed a little after this point due to the Arab invasions. A good deal of the Mediterranean world was taken by the Arabs, and, unlike under the German barbarians, these conquered lands completely abandoned Roman culture and tradition in favor of Islamic culture, and were never again retaken by the Romans.

    However, the Byzantine Empire, the remaining Eastern half of the Roman Empire, survived these invasions. They lasted almost another 1000 years. The 11th Century and beyond is the time of the decline in the East, after the Eastern Romans were disastrously defeated by the Turks at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. Constantinople eventually fell to the Turks in 1453, bringing an end to the Eastern Roman Empire.

    So the range of collapse is the fifth century in the West, all the way to the fifteenth century in the East. But it is important to note that this time was not all decline and collapse. Justinian's reconquest shows that the Romans were, at times, able to make recoveries.

  2. Three major reasons:

    * The Rise of new relgion was Christainaity.Constaine the emporor of Rome ,his mother belived  in Christainity.

    *Rise of the Gauls in what use to be Austrian Empire.

    *Fall of the Roman Morales

  3. After the Christians took charge 300 and something.

  4. The decline started long before then, but the "official" end of the Roman Empire was September 4th, 476 AD when Emperor Romulus Augustus was forced to abdicate by the invading Barbarians from the north (more or less the ancestors of today's Germans). The eastern portion of the empire continued and became known as the Byzantine Empire and lasted until May 23, 1453 when Constantinople (today's Istanbul) was captured by the Ottoman Turks, who made it their new capital.

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