
When did the census begin.?

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When did the census begin.?




  1. For the UK I seem to remember having just answered this.

    In the UK the census did not begin in 1841.  It began for everybody in 1801 and was / is taken every 10 years, except for 1941 when it was impossible to do a complete census because of the Second World War.  In 1841 it began in a completed form, not just statistical, which you can now see on microfilm or microfiche at libraries and on CDs, to buy.  The last one available in England and Wales is for 1901 because of a 100 year's close; in Scotland that is 1921 where they only have 80 year's close.  The next one we will do is in 2011. (That is probably more than you wanted to know!?)

  2. In the UK 1801, but they were little more than a head count until 1841, on the 1841 census people were grouped by house holds, then after that more details were added.

  3. the census started in 1841 but it was done before this but incomplete as it just included gentry but in the uk it started in 1066 with the domesday book and William the Conquerer

  4. In the U.S. of A., the first "Federal" census, as authorized by Congress, was in 1790.  It is taken every 10 years, so the next one will take place in 2010.

    Don't place too much emphasis on it; I am a senior citizen and have been in only 2 censuses.

  5. In the UK  the first one was in 1841, they are held every ten years and kept secret for a hundred years.

  6. If you are asking about the USA:

    Check your other question, as I just answered it and this one.

  7. UK answer.

    The first ever UK census was taken in 1801 and has been taken every ten years following. The first four UK census were deemed to be no good for  genealogical study.

    The census here in the UK has always been taken on a Sunday night, and the latest date for a census was 19th of June 1921, the rest bar one were taken earlier in the year.

    The next census due to be made available to the public is the 1911 census which taking into account the 100 year closed rule which began on 31st  December 1911, is due to be made public on 2nd January 2012.

    Hope this helps.

  8. If you are talking about the idea of census the Bible state there was a census at the time of Jesus birth and it was a lot older than that I believe

  9. 1841, but they started recording births, marriages and deaths since 1837.

  10. The first U.S. Census was conducted in 1790 by Federal Marshalls. But it has been dated back as far as the Romans. Other countries have census' too.

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