
When did the earliest form of humans (hominids) appear on this planet?

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and was lucy the first human to stand up right?




  1. adam and Eve

  2. read the bible, thats really pathetic, God created humans not monkey looking things

  3. Over 100,000 years ago!

  4. The australopithecines date around 3-3.9 million years ago and  evidence suggests they were bipedal (walked upright).  Lucy is an example of an australopithecus specimen (she's an Australopithecus afarensis-- 3.9-2.9 million years ago).  I wouldn't say that Lucy was the first human to stand up right (we have no idea which one was, or exactly when it happened), but she certainly was one of the early bipedal human ancestors.

    The wikipedia articles are quite good for further reading:

  5. the alien xenu took a p**p and out came a human lol

  6. try to read the bible, it will give you enlightenment regarding the early humans on earth...adam and eve the first parents...

  7. When the Extra Terrestrials dropped them off about 8,000 years ago.

  8. lucy wasnt and the earliest form of humans were primative ape

  9. Hmmm...It must be Saturday morning, and the young religious fanatics are trespassing in the Anthropology Section again!

    Lucy, an A. afarensis, goes back 3.3 million years ago, and was upright!

    H.hablis (Handy Man/Toolmaker), dates to 2.4 million years ago!

    H. ergaster = 1.9 million y.o.

    H.erectus = 1.5 million y.o.

    H. heidelbergensis = 0.8 million y.o.

    H.neanderthalensis = 0.35 million y.o.

    H. sapiens = 0.2 million y.o. (200,000 years ago, modern humans)...

  10. God created humans

    and adam and eve were the first humans

  11. Read the Bible.

  12. About 3 millions years ago.

  13. Lucy was either an ape or a monkey, the probiscus monkey is around the same size of a chimp and spends it's life in the mangrove swamps of Borneo. It resides in the trees, but when it descends it steps into water and wades onto the dry land whilst remaining upright. Why is it such a big deal for a primate to walk upright anyway ? When they only have two legs to walk on !

  14. Many paleoanthropologists (scientists who study fossil remains of ancient peoples) believe that an early human being (hominid; a primate that walked upright) appeared sometime between 10,000,000 and 4,000,000 years ago. According to the most recent theory, humans are closely related to the great apes (chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas), although scientists have not yet found a common ancestor. In 1974 American paleoanthropologist Donald C. Johanson (1943– ) discovered the partial skeleton—the skull was missing—of a female hominid at Hadar, Ethiopia. He named it Lucy.  Estimated to be about 3,200,000 years old, the creature stood 3.5 feet (.94 meters) tall and, though apelike, had definitely walked upright. Paleoanthropologists consider an upright walking posture to be the first significant change that distinguished hominids from apes.

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