
When did the first humans live?

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When did the first humans live?




  1. About 100 years ago

  2. billions of years ago

  3. That depends on one's definition of Human, the 1st to be called Homo (human) were Homo hablis. Homo Habilis ("handy man") is believed to be the first known species of our genus Homo, given the name because it refers to the supposition that the species were tool makers. This species lived about 2.2 to ~1.2 million years ago, maybe longer. It is believed to have evolved from Australopithecus Afarensis or Africanus, and that they existed simultaneously for a period. It lived in East Africa, and possibly South and South East Asia.

    Homo erectus is thought to evolved from Homo hablis & co-existed in Africa at the same time as Homo hablis. "Specimens that are considered erectus are dated very securely to at least 1.8 myr, and fairly securely to 1.9 m yr."

    The first Homo sapien (modern humans) fossils have been dated from 250 to nearly 290,000 yrs ago in Africa.

    Mungo man, found in Australia, appears to be a modern Sapien (bone & skull structure wise), but the MtDNA tests as closer to Neandertal than to Homo sapien.

    It is entirely possible that Mungo man is an evolved Homo Erectus or an Erectus/Sapien hybrid. Both neandertal & sapien appear to have evolved from erectus.  Homo erectus appears to have survived & continued to evolve until about 30,000 yrs ago.

  4. Around 300000 to 400000 years ago is when scholars date the emergence of Homo sapiens as a descendant of Homo erectus.

  5. When the first pub opened ;-)

  6. It depends how you define human- if you mean the genus Homo, then I guess it would be good od Homo erectus, who lived in the African rift valley a little less than two million years ago.  If by human you mean our delightful species, we arose about 130 000 years ago, again in  Africa.

    We've only been out of africa for a lot less time than that, however

  7. According to scholars of the bible, October 23rd 4004 B.C was the date of the creation (Adam and Eve), but most scientists accept that modern man first appeared in Africa (Ethiopia) about 200,000 years ago.

  8. Evidence indicates that modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago

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