
When did the first passenger railway open?

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When did the first passenger railway open?




  1. 1807 Swansea and Mumbles railway

    was built in 1804 to carry limestone from quarries in Mumbles to Swansea, carried it first passengers when British parliament abolished the transport of slaves from Africa, later went from horse to steam power closed in 1960

  2. The first Railwat was the Stockton and Darlington, 1825, which used cable haulage.

    Followed by Liverpool and Manchester, the first "intercity" which used steam trains throughout the route.

  3. A flippin long time ago and judging by the experience I had the last time I was in the UK, I bet it was much better run than they are today!

  4. 25th March 1807

    A man by the name of Benjamin French had been involved in the laying of lines on this branch and a few years after its opening realised the potential of starting a passenger carrying service between Swansea and Mumbles. The company agreed for him to do this and he paid them £20 a year to carry out this service. On 25th March, 1807, THE FIRST PASSENGER RAILWAY IN THE WORLD WAS BORN.


  5. 1825 gner still using the same trains now as they did in 1825

  6. 27th September 1825. Stockton to Darlington, N.E.England.

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