
When did the issues of climate change become so widely noticed?

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When did the issue of climate change become so widely known. I know that climate change has been effecting the earth for many years but why until just recently has it not been widely noted. I can't ever remember seeing the news headlines bearing news of flash floods or tornadoes due to climate change years ago and it seems to me that until just recently the issues on climate change were not widely known of. When did it start appearing in the news headlines or has it been there for a while and Ive just not noticed.

Sorry if this sounds confusing but I just really need to know when it became so widely known of.

And also who are some famous people who have spoken out about climate change?

Thanks for all your help.




  1. Because previously experienced geologists dealt with informing the world about these things. Most if not all recent climate changes are due to geologic events like earthquakes altering the geography of the ocean bottom. Such alterations move ocean currents slightly causing alterations in the jet streams in the atmosphere. There have been major climate changes around the world caused by massive earthquake activity in Asia and South East Asia. Global warming alarmists prefer scare tactic propaganda instead of looking for real causes for weather and climate changes. In Southern California we have had major climate change over the last 60 years from dry near desert to muggy sub tropical because of geologic changes in a ocean ridge extending from Baja California almost to Panama off the west coast. This ridge as it grows from earthquake activity and coral reef growth is altering some minor ocean currents altering the climate of large parts of North America!

    The enhanced southwest monsoon in the spring and summer months has radically changed the general climate of southern California over the last 60 years from dry near desert to muggy sub tropical inland of the coastal mountains because of geologic changes in a ocean ridge extending from Baja California almost to Panama off the west coast. This ridge as it grows from earthquake activity and coral reef growth is altering some minor ocean currents altering the climate of large parts of North America! At the same time the coastal region only gets the northern storms if the jet stream dips down in the winter months. We no longer get the pineapple express as we used to 20 years ago because of these minor current alterations. So the inland southwest is going semi tropical and the coast only gets the humidity during the summer months while the rain goes to the desert.

    We should be listening to geologists, geographers, oceanographers and other earth science experts instead of half-trained self styled climate experts that are not even qualified to give radio weather reports let alone forecast the worlds climate a hundred years in advance.

  2. Al Gore spoke about it a while back. Ever seen Day after tomorrow?

    The only reason they're paying attention to it now is because it's a political problem and soon there's going to be 1,000,000 political views on it like everything else. But I won't get into it.

    The point is, people don't realize that there WAS an Ice Age once.  

  3. I would imagine that people have noticed the climate change for hundreds of years the world over (especially at the end of the iceage), at the time it may have been attributed to the gods or nature rather than co2 as some now assume

  4. Consequences are now far more serious than they used to be before and what is more important economy suffers big time because of the climate change. The world has come to a point when climate change and global warming have gone to a completely new level, and with the developed science, environmentalism movements, and different nature evidence even governments started to acknowledge it. News regarding climate change haven't start with the bang but it could easily end up with the bang. Widely known - couple of years ago. Famous people - Definitely Al Gore.

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