
When did the roman empire ended and how?

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When did the roman empire ended and how?




  1. 476a.d

    there was too many rabbits(joking)

  2. 476 A.D. - the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustus was deposed by Odoacer, the chieftain of a Germanic tribe. This date is considered the end of the Roman empire. Its territory was already reduced to Italy and Illiria by barbarians, so it wasn't a great loss.

    However, the Byzantine empire (which is the Eastern Roman Empire) lasted till 1453 when the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople.

  3. It ended because everyone went back home.

    No, seriously, that's it in a nutshell.

  4. The western half of the empire fell in 476 A.D to repeated barbarian attacks on Rome. The eastern half, the Byzantine Empire, fell in 1453. Constantinople had very high walls and excellent defenses. In 1453, the Turks used cannon to batter the walls, but did not have to knock them down all the way. A traitor let them in through a side gate, and they took the city that day.

  5. The traditional date is 476 AD, but it declined in different places at different time. For example, the Roman period in Britain is said to end in 410 AD, while in the East, the Eastern (Byzantine) Empire survived to 1453 AD.

    The how is even more complicated. The role that different factors played are still debated by historians. Here are some reasons of the fall (of the Empire in the West, the Eastern Empire is a whole different story) :

    Political: The Roman government became bloated by its bureaucracy, which was very expensive. The government became unmanageably complex, and the matter was made worse by the fact that many of the members of the bureaucracy were corrupt. Also, the Emperor, under the Dominate phase of the government, had almost absolute power, and while some Emperors used this effectively, there were many incompetent ones who made a mess of things.

    Military: Endless civil wars sapped the strength of the Empire. As the Army became more important to maintaining power and defeating rivals, the soldiers made excessive demands, became spoiled, and neglected discipline. Also, as a result of the lack of available manpower, the Empire turned to barbarian federates to serve in the army, but many of these barbarians were not loyal to the Empire, and used their Roman military training against their masters when it suited them.

    Economic: As the army became more expensive to maintain, the Emperors had to raise taxes and debase the currency. As a result, there was an economic collapse in the Third Century. Though the empire recovered, currency was replaced by the barter system in tax collection. This is very inefficient (requires extensive channels of trade to get the necessary provisions to the necessary places). Also, many farmers were ruined by the taxes and stopped being farmers, letting their lands go fallow. This led to food shortages.

    Social: As a result of the economic problems, Diocletian and other Emperors contributed to the creation of a caste system. They thought that by tying workers to their jobs, and farmers to the land, they could make the economy more efficient and prevent land from being left fallow. However, as a result, many citizens became little better than serfs and became disinterested in the fate of the Empire and sometimes saw it as an oppressor. They were far less welling to fight in its military (they sometimes resorted to cutting off their thumbs to avoid service), and even fought at times for the barbarians.

  6. It's hard to give a specific date because it didn't end in one day, but lost its power through decades. The traditional date of the fall of the Roman Empire is September 4, 476 when Romulus Augustulus, the last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire was deposed by Odoacer.

    I hope that helps. For more info go to:

  7. Yes, yes the obvious answer is 476 AD when Rome was sacked or 1453 when Constantinople fell.  But that misses the bigger picture. The Roman Empire never really fell but has continually morphed over the centuries until it became what we today commonly refer to as Western Civilization.  The Roman Catholic Church, arguably the central institution in the late Roman Empire exists today as a sovereign state in the heart of modern Europe.  The way we think, write, speak, the foods we eat, the way we interact with one another, our political systems all have a direct connection with our common Roman origins.  When Tony Soprano and his crew were asked by a guy they were beating up "What happened to the Romans?" Tony answered "You're lookin' at em."

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