
When did the war between Russia and Georgia start and why?

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What day did it start, why did it start, who started it, and who invaded first?

Asking so I don't have to look around 1,000,000,000 articles online. Thanks!




  1. People forget this version when russia is trying to save the influence on post soviet territory. It's definetely false. Russian forces entered Georgia only in peace-making purpose and were attacked by georgians. Russians were only defending ossetia, nothing more

  2. Basically, the Georgian government entered into a region called south ossetia (think of it akin to one of our states.) to quell an uprising(the south  ossetians want to secede from the state as a separate nation or to be united with the north ossetians whom are ethnically related to the south ossettians but are part of Russia.) The Russians had troops in the region for peace keeping purposes from a previous altercation in the region with the government of Georgia. It's unclear whether or not the "peace keeping" troops had been attacked or not. It is clear however that the Russians had been amassing troops along the border for weeks in what they called an exercise. Russian troops invaded august 7th to much fanfare from the South Ossetians but to the dismay of Nato and it's allies (whom Georgia is petitioning to become a member of). Nato, so displeased with the conflict, are nodding towards   isolating russia politically and perhaps even kicking them out completely.

  3. Russia is trying to save the influence on Post soviet Republics, but these republics invaded 90-70 years ago Know know price of Russian hegemony and slavery and are trying to escape it by becoming NATO members, they hope that NATO will Protect them.

    If you See National Interests Of Russia, Proved By Duma in 2001 you'll see on statement, that Russians National interest is to become center in multipolar World and spread its influence on Caucasus, Eastern Europe and they central Asia.

    In fact National interests of Post soviet Countries (about becoming NATO members) intervenes with Russians National Interest and that causes Conflict (war). If these countries Become NATO member than Russia won't have any influence and will lose it's national interest, that is most important think for any country.

    Russia Claims to be Democratic (according to Freedom house it's democracy level is quite Poor and is falling every year),so it can't just go in another country and invade it (spread influence by putting there puppet government) and is seeking for reasons or Creating Reasons. Russia Provocated Georgia By killing it's Soldier in S. Ossetia conflict Region and by shooting Georgian Villages in the Region. Georgian government lost Temper and responded on aggression. Russia had already prepared militaries as was planning this provocation long before and began invading Georgia, it's main Roads, Railways, ports..

    Russia Hoped to:

    1) Overthrow Democratic government and put their puppets Loyal to PutMed.

    2) Underline the fact that it has a power and Russians Militaries are strong enough to conquer a country (in this case Tiny Georgia)

    3) Show Nato that they are to accept Country with serious threats that puts hole Nato to threat and in this way frighten tham.

    4) To Show the world that only pipeline that doesn't cross Russia and goes to Europe through Georgia isn't as safe as thay sought.

    Russia is becoming Evil Empire and if it won't be able to satisfy it's ambitions and appetite as a revenge probably will become partner with Iran and N. Korea (they sell lot's of Armour already there)

  4. I'm going to dumb down the details and shorten the tail. Georgia propped up by USA as a puppet "democracy" (dictatorship). To keep control of regions in dispute and protect oil pipeline that runs through Georgia. The areas in question are basically Russian population.

    The territories wanted to leave and become independent or become a part of Russia. Georgia has been going into the area for years with our blessing and slaughtering them. That is why Georgia was rejected from NATO. Human rights violation and non democratic state.

    Russia finally went in and defended what it considers its people. And I'm sure the oil pipeline and resources played a part.

    Either way I side with Russia on the matter. They were far more justified in their attack than we in the USA were with Iraq or Afghanistan.  

  5. Here is good information about the country of Georgia -

    WIKI describes it best -

  6. sasil85-speking of puppet democrasy, i guess Russia is the one providing it with Ablhazia back in 90s, and now with south osetia. when you post a straight answer like that please note, everybody has seen that anti-american mood Russia has, or documentaries where governmental representatives say:  "europe is a periphery" , or those "Durakovo" village communes financed by the Russian government, screaming "We will show them NATO guys what kind of power Russia has!"  and those big anti-american demonstrations with teenagers dressed pro -american playng pro-american rock music? i guess we shouldn't speak about puppets should we?

    nobody's being agresive towards Russia, how can they? it's the strongest country in the world! i deeply apologize for the strict tone but i am being bombed for weeks.

    i am a current citizen of georgia, having russian relatives i am being absolutely objective.because it requires a neutral view.

    look up  or some geopolitical information--- the reason Russia actualy got in georgia was oil. or the planing of a natural gas pipe going through georgia to europe. the country might get a lot of damage, russia felt it wasn't necesarry for the whole world anymomre, "velikaya dzerjava" (which stands for the ("the gratest empire") weakened it's controls, plus, post soviet countries ar progressing, and Russia is not interested with NATO coming close, search up russian shovinizm propaanda, search up anti-semitizm or anti-caucasian demonstrations, then look up some history with the famous russian conquer quote " divide and rule" and you'll get the idea. having separate different regions and get the territories you can easily weaken.

    "divide and rule" history right here:note that the attack started from the "other nationality" same  scenario here:south ossetia,-different ethnic group. i lost a lot of relatives in those days,i would know-first shot came not from the government.

    .please surch up some documentary movies, about russian troops in georgian territories,listen to the interviews carefully and see that no one ever hurt a russian military or a citizien here.

    last thing: we all know we are in the proccess of gobalization, minorities -such as small countries, and cultural diferencies are a barier this process has to bare, since latvia, estonia,other post countries are buliding democracy and have close partnership with NATO, and worldwide organizations, try guess what country you attack when it's not as stron?, and plus is a passage between europe and Asia.

    please forgive me for an emotional content, but this kind of disinformation is a virus for future democracy and peace.

  7. its a long story and you will hear a lot of different opinions and biased answers...just giving a heads up!

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