
When did this new terrible epidemic occur?

by  |  earlier

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I'm referring to this terrible disease or malady which deters people from using spell check, they are forgetting how to spell a simple word, "baby". It is only 4 little letters.

I think this might be a new virus strain or bacterial infection.

I worry that this infection might spread to the vocal cords. The word is pronounced like "bay-bee".




  1. I hope it does end soon, sometimes I can not figure out what people are saying. Slang is so horrible, I see it a lot with people my age, 20. I hate it, people cant even say him and let alone how to spell baby. Sad.  

  2. You mean it's not babby????


  3. Haha how about the fact no one can say P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T lol.

  4. I believe that the culprit is laziness and the lack of ANY grammer skills.


  5. it's really not that big of a deal. sometimes i could really care less if i spelled something wrong as long as i get my point across.

    BTW this is the Internet not grammar class or a job- so most people don't care. i spell a lot of things wrong on here and also have bad punctuation and everything but had straight A's in English class and was in advanced classes. some people might also have ESL. ( English as a second language)

  6. I'm a fan of good grammar myself, but I think that some of the people on here are in a bit of a panic when they ask questions. Just because someone is nervous or isn't well educated doesn't mean they don't deserve good answers from us :) I try to look past the bad grammar and spelling- often times those people need help more than others!

  7. Now, now, it can't be all that bad, can it?

  8. I think it happened around the time people started using "pregnate" and "preggers" and "prego."  Let me know if you find a cure.  It's a bit scary.  

  9. It happened when txt came about.  Seriously, I hate it more than anything.

  10. look out for the grammar police..its not that big of a deal. as long as you read it and you knew what they meant. spell checker is one step too many..

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