
When did traffic control become necessary?

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Traffic control did not begin with the invention of the automobile. When did it become necessary?




  1. not sure the date it all come in, but before this anyone who owned a car had to have a man walk in front of the car holding a flag, but as cars got faster the men were run over by the car owner, and no one would do the job so they started to bring in speed limits and the fastest people could drive was 5 miles an hour. and back then only the very rich could afford a car so the fines for speeding were very little to the car owners and they kept going faster and faster so thats when new laws were made. i hope that helps i am just sorry i can not give you any dates.

  2. Yahoo just had a story a few weeks ago about the origin of the Stop sign. If I remember correctly, it was sometime in the late 1890's when 2 of the dozen or so cars in town had a collision at an intersection.

  3. about the first accident when both parties were right.

  4. It was not until the late 1950's that a comprehensive traffic control system was deployed nationwide due to the growing amount of vehicles on the roads....

  5. Ancient Rome had a law prohibiting wagons in certain places during the day because of traffic congestion.  As a result, all deliveries had to be made at night, leading to noise pollution.

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