
When did u feel your baby move????

by  |  earlier

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I am 18 weeks pregnant and i haven't felt my baby move yet, Should i be worried? I have had a ultrasound done at 6 weeks and the baby was fine heart beat 130 per minute and i had another one do at 13 weeks and the bay was fine 160 per minute. I am going for my 19 week ultrasound next week.




  1. i felt the butterfly flutters at 13 weeks, now at 17 weeks i feel movement, but its very settle

  2. 5 months I felt flutters-ish then 6 months I felt kicks and such

  3. my first was around 16 weeks my second was around 12 weeks and this one at 10 weeks.  it is not unusual for you to not have felt the baby even though it is your 4th pregnancy

  4. i did the same thing. i was so worried because i hadnt felt him move too much, but when i went and had my 19 week ultrasound he was moving in there : )

    now, im 26 weeks and he moves allll the time its awesome. so dont freak yet, just as long as at your doc appointment you hear a heart beat or at the ultrasound you see him or her move! are you going to figure out the gender? so exciting!


  5. I felt bub moving at 14 weeks but that varies from person to person. Some poeple don't feel it until up to 25 weeks (or at least don't recognise it for what it is). 18 weeks is perfectly normal to have not felt anything yet so I wouldn't be stressing yet. If everything is as it should be then it'll all haooen when it's supposed to. Sometimes if you lay very still on your back or in the bath it's easier to feel in those earlier weeks, but still don't be discouraged it may just be a little too early for you yet.  

  6. if it's your first baby then you probably won't feel any movement for another couple weeks. I didn't feel my first baby move until I was over 20 weeks. my second baby I felt at around 16-18 weeks and with this baby I first felt him move at 12 weeks when the doctor pushed against him with the ultrasound doppler. so, don't worry my dear. you'll feel that baby move. with first babies you don't know what to expect and for all you know you are ignoring those little flutters or those tinges of what feels like gas because you've never experienced it before. when you first start feeling movements if feels like flutters like have butterflies flutter around. or sometimes it feels like gas bubbles.  

  7. First son: four months

    Second son: Five months

    Third son: Six months

  8. That is not uncommon at all, especially if it's your first pregnancy.  Most women start feeling movement between 16-22 weeks.  You will probably start to feel it soon.  Don't worry.  Those early movements are so subtle!  I don't think you have anything to be concerned about!


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