
When did u get your period after having your child?

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its been almost 3months and i still havent gotten it....and some of my friends that had there babys got theres around 2months....




  1. I breast fed my son and pumped for six months.  My period returned two weeks after I stopped.

  2. If you are breast feeding you might not get it until you start weaning your baby.  For some reason when nursing it causes you to have a few extra months with no period.  If you are not breast feeding you should have got it by the 6th week.

  3. If you are breastfeeding, it could be several months.  I nursed each of my four boys until they were a year old, and I got my period back after about 8 months or so--when they started getting more from solid foods and my body adjusted to that.  That time frame can vary longer or shorter for each person.

  4. If a mom is nursing, her period might not return until after she has weaned the baby.  That's not always the case, though.  Some women don't get their periods up until a year after childbirth.  Totally normal.

    I nursed my son til he was 18 months old... my period returned at around 5-6 months postpartum.  I wasn't able to nurse my daughter (born with cleft lip/palate), my period returned at around 5 months.

  5. My daughter is 3.5 months ... and I havent gotten my period yet ... I get spotting here and there ... but not my actual period

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