
When did we try to fix our country "the green way"?

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"I say we do whatever we gotta do to save our country. We tried it the green way, and now we have $5 gas."

Where was I and how did I miss this happening?

I don't watch TV, did I miss something important?




  1. How pathetic to argue that America has a years worth of Petroleum.  We have more than that in the Strategic Reserve.  What passes for knowledge with the left is unfathomable to me.  As a geologist, I can state that since we have other ignorant people with that mindset preventing exploration, and people like that pushing ambulance chasing lawyers after any potential environmental problem as well as other hurdles such as banning new refineries, we have a real mess on our hands.  Because the world's demand is increasing, it is a world wide shortage as well.  I really wonder how these people can first try to prevent drilling in ANWR and other new reserves and then pretend it wouldn't make any difference. It is frustrating to me.

  2. Who said that?  Maybe they're talking about a different country than the US?  After all, we don't have $5 gas, either.

    *edit* I just saw the comment.  He was definitely talking about the US, and was just exaggerating for effect with the $5 gas comment (the highest gas in the US is in SF and Chicago where it's a bit over $4/gallon).  Or maybe he's just divorced from reality, considering that he thinks the  United States has tried "the green way".

    What a bizarre statement.  Was that during the Bush Administration?  Because that's the period during which gas prices have skyrocketted, but he's probably been the president with the worst environmental record in history.  The Supreme Court had to order the EPA (the agency whose job it is to protect the environment) to regulate CO2 emissions.  That's "the green way"?  Of course, the guy also wants to drill in ANWR, where there's maybe a year's worth of oil.

    Definitely divorced from reality.  He's probably been listening to too much Limbaugh.

  3. Well, todays "green" warriors are a bunch of socialists and feeling guity dolts that want to create an issue to make themselves important and feel good.

    After all, lets face it, those of us that remember the 70's remember the conservation of energy movement. We were told to turn off lights in a room when they weren't in use, we did our part in what little ways we could. We even persevered the indian paddling down a canoe commercials regarding pollution and litering.

    But since then, the nation has slowly been improving things. Air and water quality has improved. Recycling has been initiated and grown since its early days. Better technologies have been developed and things are being made with disposal in mind for once. All good moves....and I might add, done without a bunch of "green" warrior idiots running around like chicken little claiming that the sky is falling ( it isn't )..Claiming that the polar bears are dying ( when they've doubled in population since the 70's )...claiming that gobal warming is happening ( when the regional and world weather stations have shown a platuea of temperature since 1998 and dropping 1/2 a degree in 2007)

    The enviormental whackos have escaped the asylums and are influencing if not out right trying to take over the world with their peddling of lies, exaggerations and misinterpretations of weather models which can be read any way a person wants them to be read.

    Bottom line is, we need to kick these politically correct and whacko people to the curb before they ruin the economy more than they have and start messing even more so with our freedoms.

    As for the poor fools that wanted to stop using their brain and jump on the eco band wagon, I don't feel for them. They waste their time, effort and support of a hoax and the science has been out there to prove it as such, but they ignored it, so they can pay the price for their ignorance. But for the rest of the people that are more even-keeled, we shouldn't have extra taxes or inconveniences thrust upon us by force due to compliant policies all because no one in government had the guts to stand up against the BS.

  4. No we never did.  The green way would have been to find alternate sources of energy and develop alternative lifestyles rather than become ever more dependent on the Arabs and Oil companies.  But Americans used gas like a drug addict and we are now dependent -- and the pushers have raised their prices.  This is exactly what environmentalists were trying to tell you.  This idea that American can solve problems by drilling more oil is mistaken -- we have maybe a year's worth of oil in total available in America even if we drilled everywhere.  Prices are high now because we will pay any price.  If you had a business and were charging $1 per widget but knew all your customers would buy just as many widgets at $1,000 wouldn't you raise your price?

  5. * There is no "scientific consensus" on global warming

    * Climate is always changing – with or without man

    * The Medieval Warm Period was significantly warmer than temperatures today – and was a golden age for agriculture, innovation, and lifespan

    * Most of Antarctica is actually getting colder

    * Hurricanes are not getting worse – our tendency to build houses in their path is getting greater

    * Many big businesses lobby for global warming policies that will increase their profits – and our costs

    * The media only recently abandoned the "global cooling" scare

    * The real agenda behind the "global warming" scare? A massive expansion of government control over the economy and our lives

  6. It isn't our country, it's the world. I started 8 years ago. Hopefully, I will soon be able to make that significant investment pay off for all of us soon.

    You couldn't have it more backwards. The "green" way isn't even close to warmed up yet. The changes and replacements we're making to our country's infrastructure and our capitalistic economic base (pertoleum) don't happen over night. I personally am trying to figure out how to impliment a system to grow enough algae to fuel 150 trains and 1,200 trucks and 75 cargo planes per day using just 800 acres for everything.  It is possible, at least on paper. Then again, I don't see the world like everyone else.

    When did you start? What have you contributed to the effort to save our asses from ourselves? Recycle a few cans?

    I think education on the many specifics of the environmental and socio-economic issues involved might help your logical processes. I'm sure you process just fine. But, you need to have enough info to process, and it's a boat load.

  7. Uh oh... I'm getting talked about. Ok I might be a little out there, but I'm pi**ed, and the whole fuel thing is out of hand. We could have prevented it. Lets get this straight. Gas where I live is right now (Oregon) $4.00 9/10, and Diesel is $4.84. I use diesel- sorry for the brainskip (tired).  However gas is not going down, and in fact it has been climbing here at more than 25 cents a week, so it won't be long before I'm right-lol. You don't have listen to me, or believe it, but oil is $130 a barrel, so $5 gas is coming soon. Everytime I drive by the gas station the numbers aren't up a couple cents, but 5 to 10 cents at a time...

    The green way started rolling in the seventies with the EPA making impossibile rules for building new refineries in 1973. Wilderness, and Wilderness Study Areas  started popping up everywhere in the West,  convienently most anywhere there are minerals, or resources in 1976. And no it wasn't all bad. We did do a few things which were good like clean up factories, rivers, started recycling, and stopped clear cut logging for the most part (I do believe in selective logging though).

    I have heard all kinds of answers as to how much oil there is in ANWR, and no I don't know, but I do know oil is there, and enough to justify the effort, and expense. This isn't all there is either. There is a huge amount of oil shale in Wyoming, and Montana which we haven't touched. They have said that there is enough there to last many years.There is oil in the Gulf of Mexico which is a protected site on our side of the line. Cuba went in right on the other side of the line, put in a platform, and is taking it. This is what I am talking about being stupid. WTF are we protecting? The fish live in the same water, and don't know what boundry lines are. It's getting taken anyway, and I am sure America would do it in a cleaner fashion, but no..we can't go there-save the fishies...

    Long story short. I am no kookier than the guy who ties himself to a bridge to make a roadblock...I'm just the other side of the coin.

    Ok, I'm going to bed now, so I won't confuse anyone else-lol.

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