
When did you 1st give your baby cheese? Did he/she like it?

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My son is 6months old. I love cheese, it was one of my 1st words, lol, and I want to give him some, when can i do that? & what kind of cheese?

Thank You =]

God Bless




  1. I gave my son his very first grilled cheese sandwich at 8 months and he loved it, still does!

  2. 5 mths and i mixed her food with grated cheese (known as formaggio fresco grattuggiato in italy). it is recommended by most pediatricians in italy.

  3. I started my son on cheese at 6 months!  I started with the really soft stuff (colby) but honestly I think he could have handled anything at that age.  He loves it :)

  4. Emma was around six months.  You can shred cheese, crumble it, or melt it on things.  Just use hard, un processed cheese.

  5. Our doc told us to wait until he is 9 or so months for cheese other then yogurt but when we do give him cheese it will be chedder...YUMMM

  6. As long as your baby has the notion to "gum" things, you are able to give him cheese.  I would say at 6 months he would probably be ready.  I gave my daughter who is seven months cheese for the first time yesterday.  I gave her thornloe cheese (it's a brand of cheese made up north by our local's amazing!) I just gave her little pieces of it, small enough that she could chew it with her gums, and she loved it.  I say go for it.  But you might want to start off with a mild cheese, the strong one might turn him away at first.  

    My daughter has been eating finger type foods since she's been six months (along with her purreed vegetables and fruits) because i'm slowly introducing her to the foods that we eat everyday (during lunch and supper) because I want her to eat what we eat soon.  She loves feeding herself.  I just make sure that what I give her is soft enough for her to gum and not a chocking hazard.  She loves mum mum crackers, arrow root cookies, cheese, flakes of fish (we tried haddock last night as well and she loved it), little pieces of chicken, mashed potatoes, cut up blueberries (i cut them in two or four if they are big ones)..etc.  If you feel comfortable giving him cheese, then go for it, cut him a little piece and let him have it.  Just make sure to watch him so he doesn't choke.  Good luck!  

  7. she was 6 months (about, maybe 6.5 months) and she loves it. i usually get sharp cheddar (my fav) and she'll take a few bites of it.  

  8. I gave my son a taste piece of American Cheese at 7 months old.  He loves it!  Now he gets a piece of cheese at least every other day.  (He's 9 months now)

  9. i gave her a little bit of mild cheddar cheese (not to much at the beginning - just to see if she tolerated it) at 7 months and she loved it.  She is now nearly 11 months and loves cheese - jacket potcauliflowerheese, mac cheese, anything with a white cheese sauce.  i believe the earlier you start giving them things the more likely they are to enjoy it and tolerate it

  10. 6 months

  11. probably a little after 6 months and he loves it, he has had cheddar, ricotta, mix of cheddar and jack, mozzarella

  12. Here's what says:

    The BabyCenter Editorial Team

    As long as the cheese is cut into fingertip-sized pieces and your baby can gum or chew to some extent, you can offer him certain types of cheese as early as 9 months. If your family has a history of allergies — hay fever, asthma, or food allergies, for example — the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology recommends holding off on introducing dairy products until 12 months. Signs of a food allergy include swelling of the tongue, lips, and face; a skin rash; wheezing; abdominal cramping; vomiting; or diarrhea. If your baby develops any of these symptoms after eating cheese or any other food, call his doctor as soon as possible.

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