
When did you actually start potty training?

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What age did you start, and what age did your child finally "get it"?




  1. We started with our daughter at about 21 months--that's when she started showing interest--and she had it down pretty well by the time she turned 2.  Her pediatrician did say that it was much earlier than normal, so I wouldn't worry too much until, like someone said, after the age of 3.

  2. i started when i was 2... yeah pretty early

  3. My daughter "got it" at 15 months, totally.  

    My son was past three, and it was a game to him.  He just decided to get on board with the program one day.  

    We didn't "start training" them (it is the parents who get trained by the kids, by the way).  They showed signs of interest and we followed up on them with praise when they succeeded.

  4. Both my kids started before they were 2 but every child is different. Summer time is a great time to start if you are outside a lot. We didn't use a 'potty' we used a step came child's toilet seat that fitted over the toilet. That way they felt secure, had something to hold on to and felt grownup all in one, (Check out the website below to see what I mean). It can be a very trying time for both child and parent. Don't pressure too much, give them a book to read and praise when they have achieved. Good Luck. Just remember it may not happen overnight.

  5. My son was about 15 months, my daughter was nearly 4!  Same tactics - totally different results.  Just depends on the child.

  6. Both my daughters (3 and 4) had begun potty training around two years of age.  My oldest was rather easy to train, but her sister has been rather difficult.  My youngest had showed signs of potty training "readiness" (like her sister) at two, but relapsed.

    Now that she has turned three she is taking it more seriously.

    "Physical Readiness" and "Physiological Readiness" just comes naturally with time, and you really can't work on developing these abilities.  You will know it's time to potty train your son or daughter when they have the ability to walk to and from the bathroom, pull their pants up and down, and get on and off the potty chair fairly independently.  

    However... you will need to ensure that their bladders have matured enough to hold larger amounts of urine between voids.  They will also need the ability to "recognize that they are voiding".

    The most difficult stage of potty training (in my situation) was "Psychological Readiness".  My youngest did not seem to be bothered by a wet or dirty diaper. She was also uninterested and unwilling to sit on the potty.  If your son or daughter doesn't have the willingness to go on the potty, believe me, you are not going to get very far.

    All I can suggest is A LOT of patience and praise while going through this very important stage of developement.

    Good Luck...

  7. My sister started her daughters at 11 months...some got it right away, others it took a while.  Her son, however, took until 2 1/2 before he "got" it.  I started my daughter at 24 months (which is late).  We had a lot of problems with it and I really don't recall when she got it, but it did take a long while.  It depends on how diligent you are about it.

  8. We bought a potty right after my son learned to walk. He was a late walker (17 mos), so I guess he was 18 months. We didn't really try hard or anything. We just took him and sat him on the potty when we had to go. He really wasn't all that interested until after he turned 2. His daycare didn't have a potty in his classroom, so I didn't want to fight what was going on there. As soon as he moved in to the next classroom (last May) where the goal is to potty train, he was excited about it. He understood going pee pee in a day or two. However, he only started going poo in the potty about a month ago. At first, he would only go here at home, but one day, he decided it was OK to go other places. When he started going poo, he has also been dry at night and during naps, so maybe his body just finally matured. He will be 3 in Oct, and he only uses underwear now.

    There are some kids in his class (most are about to turn three) who STILL aren't potty trained, so I don't think it is really a big deal until after they are 3 or so.

    BTW, he really liked using the big potty. His old potty is also a step. We bought a "seat" for the big potty and he got more interested in training. We bought one with Bob the Builder at Home Depot.

  9. Most kids are self sufficient by age 3.  But individuals vary greatly.  It is a maturation/physical task.  The child has to be able to communicate and has to be able to physically do the job. Like holding, undressing, climbing up or sitting on.  Most of it like the previous comments is the parent learning the "look" and running with child to potty.

  10. 1 1/2 was the first attempt...

    but 2 1/2 was when i start trying harder...

    got it before 3 (for both weewees and poopys

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