
When did you decide?

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what to call your children? How many weeks, or at birth?




  1. I thought this was a HUGE decision, and I just couldn't make the decision without seeing my son.  People were constantly asking, "what's his name?"  I felt such pressure and really started to freak after he was born and I still hadn't picked a name.

    I had a c-section, so I had a couple of days to figure it out.  The picture lady came by the day he was born to take his pic, but I didn't have a name picked out so she had to come back the next day.  

    The heat was on!  By day 2 I had narrowed it down to two names, and within minutes of him getting his pictures I finalized his name for the beautiful "first baby pics."  

    I say wait till your baby gets here.  You never know what they are going to look like.  I had picked out Silas as my boy's name, but once he arrived nothing else would suit him but Adam.

  2. With our first child, we had a boy and a girl name picked out after the 3rd month. We didnt know what we were having. The second child we picked out a name after we found what the gender was around 20 weeks. This time we only have a girls name picked out even tho we do not know what the baby is. We will find out next month. Yippee!

  3. My first born wasn't decided at all until I saw him, then his name just came to me. I really can't imagine having him as anything else.

    My second was decided by 30 weeks, I had a scan at 31 and found out that he was a boy, we'd had a girls name for ages, and decided on a boys the day before :)

  4. Birth...i deliriously yelled out the name when the midwife said whats her name. Or i apparently did....i cant actually remember! And she wasnt just the midwife she was 'the flooping midwife' (insert expletive) affectionate name i thought of during labour lol!

  5. With our first child we had a final decision around 7 months. Fits him perfectly. I think back on other names I liked and they just don't suit him.

    With my second child it was the day I gave birth to him. We both liked only one name but it wasn't definate (I liked other names as did he but we had the one that we both liked). Well our son decided to come 8 weeks early and we went with the only name we agreed on.  

  6. no 1 took 2 weeks no 2 took a month! Lol...but in medieavil times they never named a child till it was over a month the Devil could not come and take it so they gave them nicknames... as in "old Nick" (the devil)...I don't see how people can choose names before they've even met the could call it a really innapropriate name!

  7. Once I knew I was pregnant I had picked out names of them.  

  8. I decided on a name for my first when I was about 6 months along. With my second I was debating between two names and I just couldn't decide which one I wanted. So, I waited till he was born and when I looked at him I just knew what name out of the two would suit him best, so I choose that name.

  9. My husband and I decided on a boy's name about a year ago, and we haven't even tried to conceive yet! Lol. It's my husband's middle name, and the name of his deceased grandfather, and is traditional (biblical) so I think it would suit any baby boy we may produce! Lol. I have girls names that I like, but we haven't got a 'definite' one of those names yet.  

  10. me and my fiance choose our sons name as soon as i got pregnant because it was his dads name, who'd just passed away

  11. it doesn't matter when it's important they are healthy and cute

  12. We found out I was having  a girl when I was 22 weeks pregnant. Before then we had come up with a couple of names for each s*x, but as soon as we knew it was a girl we decided on our favourite out of the 2 girl names

  13. We started looking up names when we foundout we were having a baby. We had before toyed with names for fun trying to get ideas which helped a lil. A friends daughter helped us with our girls name and a friends father helped us decide on a boys name. its good to listent o what other come up with after giving them what kindof are looking for so that way you get alot of different ideas.  

  14. i have not conceived yet.  but i have had a boy name picked out for 3 years.

  15. My partner and I thought of names all the way through and a few weeks before both of the births we had a few names to pick from when the baby was born.

    I am one of those people who think some people don't look like there name or might not suit a name lol :) So it was from a select few choices and the baby was named at birth....or in my 1st sons case when he was 2 days old.

  16. We decided with our last one when I was about 25 weeks or so.  But, our older daughter picked our her name.  Then, her and I searched thru some baby name books for a good middle name.  But, I've known people who have had a few picked out and then waited until the baby was born.  Usually the name just clicks when you see the baby's face.  Like some names just wouldn't fit after you see the baby's face.  

  17. I had names picked out and changed them completely when they were born. The names didn't feel right once I held my babies.

  18. I know I decided on a name shortly after finding out I was having a girl.

  19. We decided at about 24-25 weeks.  We found out the s*x at 18 weeks and didn't really start until then.  I had plenty of names that I tossed around the whole time, but my husband didn't even want to try to figure it out until we knew the s*x.

  20. For my daughter it took forever.  I had a baby name book and list upon list with names added and cross out and through process of elimination I finally decided on a name...which I changed when she was born and decided the name didn't suit her.

    My son had his name the day we found out we were pregnant.  We instinctively knew it was a boy and started calling him by his name from the jump, even having a sign on his door with his name on it.  The doctor kept telling me not to do that because I might disappointed if I had a girl, but even by the end of the pregnancy he was calling him by his name.

  21. We didn't find out the s*x with our oldest, but we had our girl's name picked out by my 20 week scan, and believe it or not we actually still didn't have a boy's name as I went into labor, so we were really hoping she was a girl. Thankfully our prayers were answered, and Annika Joy was born. :)

    With my son it was a little harder, but we found out the s*x this time so we were able to devote all of our energy on a name for a specific gender. What we ended up doing was heading into the delivery room with two different names equally in mind, and whichever one he looked like we'd name him. It wasn't hard to decide; as soon as my husband saw him he declared, "It's James."

    Then we had Allie, and she was probably the easiest to decide on. We found out the gender ahead of time again, and immediately after my 20 week scan when we found out she was a girl we just looked at each other and said, "Allie." That was another name we were debating for our oldest, so it came easily to us.

    And then Charlie. He was the interesting one. The DH and I just couldn't seem to agree on a name. I wanted Sam and he wanted Jeremy. So we went into the delivery room still undecided, hoping to wing it like we'd done with Jamie, and lo and behold, it worked again. When I was holding him for the first time I just looked down at him and I whispered, "He looks like a Charlie", and my husband agreed :)

  22. With my daughter which is my oldest I had 3 names that i really wanted to name her but when i saw her i came up with something totally different. My boyfriend named my son because I named our daughter he had a name when I was 6 mths.

  23. My husband and I had names picked out long before we were even pregnant.  While I was pregnant but before we knew the s*x we had an affectionate nickname that we used, but once we knew the s*x we started using the name right away.

    We haven't decided whether or not we will have more children, but if we do we have names ready for both a boy and girl.

  24. We decided on a unisex first name right when we found out we were pregnant.. So we started calling our baby that name right away.. When we found out we were having a girl, then we added the female-ish middle name.

  25. we narrowed it down to two names when I went into the hospital for my c-section.  Once my daughter was born...I looked at her and went with a completely different name, lol.

  26. i knew way before they were born.  

  27. My wife and I discussed all along the way but didn't get exact names till week of due date.  Our 2nd was decided the night before she went in for her "C" section.

  28. By the time I gave birth I had names picked out.. but two out of the three names changed right after I gave birth, lol.

  29. I had names picked out by the time I had my 20 week scan  
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