
When did you first feel your baby move in pregnancy?

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Hey all :) I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with my second baby, first was over 7 years ago so I don't remember when I first felt the baby move! I thought I had felt something a few times today but maybe its just little gas bubbles, lol. When did you first feel your baby move?

Thanks Ladies :)




  1. First one I first felt around week 17, but this time I've felt flutters since about wk 12. Had my ultrasound last week, and when the sonographer pushed with the scanner, the baby kicked back HARD! that was the first big movement I felt this time :-) Made my day.

  2. I felt my very active daughter around 13 weeks. I didn't feel my son till around 19 weeks, he's very mellow. This time around I felt movement around 15 weeks.

    I remember laying flat on my back in bed and I felt flutters, almost like gas bubbles. And I could clearly feel a lump were the movement was coming from.  

  3. Its usually about 18 to 20 weeks but if you have an anterior placenta (Placenta on the front of the uterine wall) it can take up to 23 weeks for some people.

    Hope this helps

  4. 12 weeks for me!  You're probably feeling the first flutters of your new little one!

  5. Hi, I am 23 weeks pregnant and I can say the first time I really felt the baby move was at about week 19. I am sure I felt flutter like sensations before this but I was not really totally sure if it was the baby, like you I thought it might be gas. The baby is really active now and there is no mistaking it's movements. I have a friend who is pregnant with her second child and she recognised her baby's movements from week 12, I think what you are feeling is the baby move.

  6. It was at three months for me.

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