
When did you first feel your baby moving?

by Guest45522  |  earlier

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When did you first feel your baby move? I am 8 weeks pregnant and I can already feel little pokes. I don't know if it's the baby or what. Your opion would be nice. Thanks!




  1. At 8 weeks it will not be the baby. Your uterus is growning and it pushes alot of your organs up higher in your body. what you will be feeling will be gas. Your intestines are now sitting higher and have a big uterus growing against them so gas may feel a little different to how you normally feel it.

    I began to feel tiny movements at 16 weeks but was not sure if they were baby or not and still am not sure if that is what they were. But by 20 weeks I was feeling definate movements that were unmistakably the baby. Good luck and congrats

  2. I felt the same way and I am 12 weeks pregnant.It might be the that means that your baby is most likely to be kicking you.

  3. 8 weeks, hmm thats still pretty early. Your baby is very small still..i felt my baby move around 21 weeks :)

  4. I realised at 20 weeks that I could feel my baby moving. It was Boxing Day and I thought I had really bubbly wind from eating too much Christmas dinner!

  5. right at about 16 weeks- it was awesome- it flet like a little poke in my belly. women dont usually feel baby until at least the secondd trimester because your uterus doesnt really reach over your pubic bone until about 12 weeks

  6. I felt bub around 16 or 17 weeks.

    it is possible to feel bubs earlier with subsequent pregnancies

  7. at 19 wks... my husband couldnt feel what i was feeling until a few weeks later..

  8. i felt my baby move the first time when i was 23 weeks

  9. everyone and every pregnancy is different, remember that.

    i first felt my baby moving when i was around 28 weeks due anterior placenta.

  10. I felt the first movements at 22 weeks.

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