
When did you first know about s*x??

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When did you first know about s*x??




  1. 6th grade-s*x ed class

  2. I knew the basics right around kindergarten.

  3. Well I was eight and i got an email and opened it and there was some stuff there that should have been in another magazine..

  4. Yes 6th grade s*x ed class

  5. When I was eight, and found my dad's Playboys.

  6. I've been a dirty old man since age four!!

  7. 5th grade s*x ed class

  8. i dont rember

  9. When I was 12yrs old , girls in my class were talking about bj and if I ever did one had no clue what they were talking about. So I asked my mom and was informed..

    BUT... she did such a crappy job I had to read books etc to learn more and then I meet my husband and he "taught" me the rest.

  10. Around first grade kids talk on the playground. All kids do. Although that is not the way to learn the correct info. Mom had the talk about third grade. I think it is sad that we have to learn so young these days. Today the kids probably learn before they go to school. By high school they know more than most adults.

  11. In 1st grade a kid on the bus told me all about it.

  12. I knew about s*x since first grade.

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