
When did you first know that your husband or wife was the one for you?

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How long did you know him/her and when did you realize that that person was the one you wanted to spend forever with?




  1. i was young and stupid. People shouldn't have life partners based on thoughts you have when your young and inexperienced and just want to get away from your he took away my youth and my looks and nobody wants me now that im older and actually have a brain.

  2. The first time I looked into his s**y brown eyes.

  3. the first time i saw him!! i was dating someone else at the time but i couldn't get him out of my head. every time i would see him (him and my bf were kind of friends) i'd melt.

    I broke off w/ my bf at the time, and dated this guy for 4 years. then married him 1/2 year ago and i'm very happy to have him.

    that's my life story.  

  4. I don't think time is a complete factor in knowing if him/her is the right one for you. Of course it shouldn't be on looks alone but on everything else about them. When you wake up in the morning and all you can think about them and when you can next be with them, hold them or kiss them... or when you are with them and you are only looking at them and only care about them. you no longer care about what you look like what your friends might think of you, what other people are doing or think... its just all about them. When your laying there at night and you can't sleep because all you can think about is them and then when you do fall asleep you just dream of them. I think this is when you really know is when everything is about them... not yourself or anyone else. only them.  

  5. I knew my husband was the one for me when i showed him all of me, the good, the bad and the ugly and he accepted it and still loved me the same.  When you can be totally you around someone with no filler and no faking, that is the one.

  6. Knew it very early, but it took me ten years to admit it...

  7. For the first time I saw him I knew I want to spend rest of my life with him.I didn't even know him at that time. But later I realised he's one of my brothers friends. We got married after 12 yrs of relationship and we have a 3 yr old baby now.

  8. when I looked in her eyes

  9. My fiance pursued me for two years before I was interested in him. I was not ready for a relationship of the nature that he wanted. We became great friends and now we are inseparable. I guess you have to think - can I live without this person. If the answer is no then you found your one!

  10. I knew it after dating my husband for about 5 months. With me, it wasn't subtle at all. The feeling or realization hit me like a ton of bricks. There was particular moment when I knew and I can still recall that moment and the feeling. That was 14 years ago and we are still going strong:)

  11. My hubby and I met online, we talked and finally decided to meet. When he got out of the car, I was standing on the porch. I knew then he was the one. about 3 months later I moved in with him and now nearly 5 years later we are married and trying to start a family :)

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