
When did you first let your baby/toddler have peanut products?

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i let ruby bite my balance bar. it has peanuts in it. DUH. she had no reaction...she is 15 months. big mistake????




  1. no nut products until 2 years of age

  2. I don't think you're supposed to give peanuts to kids under 5 years due to the high risk of allergies and because they have weaker immune systems. Saying that it doesn't mean peanuts will make all kids sick it's just a precaution.

  3. My niece and nephew had peanut butter at 12 months so I gave my girls peanut butter on their 1st birthday and they were fine.

    As long as there is no history of allergies in the family I wouldn't worry at all.

    EDIT-The reason why someone would be allergic to all nuts except peanuts is because a peanut isn't a true nut, but instead is a legume.

  4. I waited until my toddler was over a year old, and then it was only occasionally.  He's over 2y old now and has it frequently.  He consumes a vegetarian diet so it's a good staple.  We have no history of allergies and he only has a small smear on a piece of bread.  No one knows the exact cause of the peanut allergy, so you have to make the best decision for you, based on the information available.  

  5. i'm sure i'll get several thumbs down, but i give my 5 month old peanut butter off my finger

  6. My pediatrician actually recommended just that we wait until 1 yr to try peanut butter, because we have no family history of food allergies.  For families with food allergy tendencies, they will recommend that you wait longer, usually until 2-4 years depending on your history.

    A reaction won't occur with the first exposure, or maybe not even with the second.  But with peanut allergies, you typically see a reaction pretty early on.  It wouldn't hurt to continue waiting until after 18mos, per your doctor's recommendation, before trying again.  But you could give it another go and see how she reacts next time.

  7. My daughter was 13 months the first time she had peanut butter. If there are allergies on either side of the family it's better to wait. Considering her uncle has allergies I would just keep an eye on her to make sure she has no reaction. If not, then she is fine.

  8. After a year.  I would have waited longer if there was a history of nut allergy in my family.

    FYI:  allergies are not present at the first introduction of a food... it's subsequent exposures that show signs of allergy.  This may be at the next exposure, or it may be in ten years.  

  9. My daughter was a year.  Both her pediatrician and the dietician at WIC said that 12 months is fine as long as there is no history of peanut allergies in the family.  

    By the time my daughter was 13 months old she was eating a PB sandwich every day for lunch.  She is 4 years old and still looves them!

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