
When did you first start feeling symptoms of pregnancy?

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How many dpo were you when you first started feeling the signs and symptoms of pregnancy? Did you feel "different" before you got a BFP on a HPT or was it not until afterwards?




  1. I never had any symptoms with any of my three pregnancies.  No nausea, no sore b***s, no dizziness, no changes in appetite, and no cravings.  

    All 3 pregnanices were very healthy and normal - but the only symptoms I had were obvious ones way late in pregnancy.  

  2. well one thing you need to know about me is i am a very absent minded person when it comes to certainthings. with my first pregnancy i was 17 and i never kept track of my period so for 4 month i didnt get my period but i didnt know i thought i had gotten it for the past two. well when i started gaining weight and getting all clumsy i took a test and it came back positive. so i quit smoking cigarettes that same day. funny thing is my BF (he is now my fiance) had told me right after we had s*x that your pregnant  so that was kind of freaky.

    second pregnancy i knew i was pregnant when i started feeling sick and lightheaded and i was being optomistic and said well lets wait for my period. the day came and went and no period so i told my fiance im pregnant lets go get a test he was like no lets wait i told him no i waited 4 months last time im not waiting and seeing again i want to know dammit. test came out positive.

    third pregnancy i went to my drs for an IUD after the urinalisys the nurse sais i cant get an iud cuz im pregnant. i was about a week pregnant it was one or two days before i would have gotten my period. i went out into the waiting room crying threw the test at my fiance and told him look at what you did again dammit i told you no s*x for two weeks but nooooooooo you and your pursuasive ways dammit look what you did. right in front of a room full of people too hahahaha  

  3. I was about two weeks past ovulation when I first felt symptons. Infact it was on the day I was suppose to get my period. I remember I had a dizzy spell, a bout of nausea, and had shooting pains in my b***s, slight cramping, and had been super tired.  At first I thought that i was probably just going to start my period, but I knew there was also a high chance of pregnancy for me that month. So, that day I went and took a hpt and got a positive. A week later my nausea kicked into high gear. And my b***s still are killing me, but not as bad. I will be 16wks on monday and Im excited. My little tike will be here on Febuary 14th 2009. My valentines gift.  

  4. I felt different about a week after ovulation.  But I couldn't tell at first if it was pms or pregnancy symptoms.  I was feeling nauseous, tired which I usually do with my period but this was a week and a half before my period was due and usually it is only a couple of days before and then my period comes.  It was just different than with my period. This is my second pregnancy and a definitely "knew" with both that I was pregnant before I took the test.  I just needed the test to confirm it.  My sense of smell was really increased about a week and a half past ovulation and I had a feeling that I was pregnant then.  

  5. For me both of my pregnancies were very different.  With my first pg I felt the signs around 2wks after ovulation, (extreme fatigue, sore b***s) and got a positive test 3 weeks after ov.

    With my second pg, I was 9wks pg before I found out!  I had no symptoms until then but around the 8-9wk I thought I was getting the flu, but decided to test thinking it was going to be negative...but I was positive, and surprised!

  6. I really didn't know i was pregnant until about 2 or 3 weeks after it was due. I just really didn't give it any thought. i didn't really have any symptoms or anything like that. so it wasn't until i was about i was 7 or 8 weeks when i started get any symptoms.  

  7. I had my first symptoms (cramping and sore b***s) about a week before my period was due, so I knew what the test was going to say when I took it!

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