
When did you get your baby's first haircut?

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Just curious.

Johnny's hair is now officially out of control (curly, sticking out like devil horns on the side of his head, and the top stands up like he stuck his finger in an electric socket, lol). I'm thinking about taking him this weekend for a cut. He's 9.5 months old.




  1. Well it's really up to you on when you get his haircut! My son Ethan was born needing a haircut! LOL! So at 7 months of age I took him and got him his 1st haircut! And he just had his 2nd one on Sunday! His hair was pass his eyes the first go around so that's when I got it cut! And it was out of control! His hair grows so fast I think it's going to be every 8 weeks he is going to need it cut. But do what you want. It's not bad if you don't wait till he is 1. Ethan will be 10 months old on the 23rd! Good luck to you! Your son is so cute! Oh I will tell you this though make sure wherever you take him is good at cutting a babies hair and make sure he is fed and had a nap. They won't finish if there crying and moving around. My son sat in my husband's lap and he did fine!

  2. I didn't know that stuff grew.  Aaron's hair hasn't gotten any longer since birth.  My husbands jokes that his head has grown, but not his hair, so he looks like he has less hair now.

    Johnny is so adorable-just in case you haven't noticed.

  3. Its really up to you whenever you want to cut it. Just know that johnny's hair may not grow back the same, so make sure you take lots of pics bc you may miss that crazy hair. But 9.5 months seems right if his hair is out of control. In the filipino culture, we wait until they turn 1 to cut babies hair.  

  4. I just cut my babies hair yesterday. His hair was growing crazy uneven, and wild! lol He is turning 7 months tomorrow. I just used an electric hair shaver with one of those extensions on it so it didn't cut too short. Sat him down on the bathroom sink and buzzed away! He actually kinda enjoyed it! lol Now he looks like he has an army buzz cut! it's super cute!

  5. Eli's hair has always been out of control.  We got some professional pix taken last month and he also has the devil's horns!  I have cut his hair myself twice now (it looks ridiculous!) hee hee.  

    I'm gonna take him in around a year (2 more months) just because I think he will be a little better with the whole experience.  Maybe.  

  6. Mine is 16 months old and hasn't had his first hair cut yet.  He was pretty much bald until he was about 6 months old, and now it is just getting long enough to need to be cut, but not long enough that it *has* to be cut.

  7. my son was 4 months he was born with lot of hair.

  8. I am waiting when he turns 1 year old.  But he is almost bald right now hair to cut! lol.

  9. right before their first birthday

  10. I don't think we will have to worry about a haircut here for a long time. Landon still has hardly any hair. But, I don't think 9 months is too young for a cut. Remember to tell them to save a curl for you.

  11. haha, oh bless him the little monkey, he looks gorgeous!!

    I got my first little boys hair cut at about 1 maybe 1 1/2 my second is one on the 28th of this month and hasn't had it cut yet, i doubt i'll be getting it cut anytime soon either as he doesn't have a lot of hair bless him.

    My friend though has a little boy who is 8 months old and he has masses of hair, its outrageous haha, she has had his hair cut once already and is taking him again soon.

    i think it all depends on you. When you think it is time for the first haircut and if you can find a hairdressers to do it as a lot of them are very funny about cutting childrens hair under the age of 5 ( where i live they are anyway) .

    Good luck xx

  12. At about that time, when it got out of control.  He was 6 months old.

    My youngest is 6 months old and needs it, his bangs are getting in his face.  I'm just having a very hard time convincing myself to do it.  No reason except that he looks so darn cute w/ that crazy hair.  

    ETA:  I cut Aidan and Louie's hair but I'm going to take Connor in for his 1st cut, I'm not EVEN going to attempt it!!!

  13. yeah get it cut especially if it's that long

  14. I took my son when he was 14 months old. His hair only grew in the back so he had like  a major mullet going. He hated it. I took him to a place where they put him in a car in front of a tv with cartoons and he screamed the whole time. It was over with very quickly. He is 2 now and has had like 5 more. He still gets upset but doesn't cry.

    I know what you mean about the messy hair styles. Sometimes I am amazed at the way my son's hair stands on his head.

    On another note... I agree with you on the thumbs down. I mean how in the world could a question like this cause people to thumbs down other people answers. There is no right or wrong, Not everyone's hair grows at the same speed.  

  15. my son had beautiful thick hair when he was born, and i let it grow, it wasnt until someone commented on what a beautiful little girl i had that i thought it was time to have it cut, he was about 18 months,  i have to admit i started crying when i took him to the barbers.

  16. I got Tyler's first hair cut on his 2nd birthday. He has really fine hair and it was never a problem. It could've used maybe a small trim before that but I wanted a piece long enough to keep in his baby box.

    Riley is almost 9 months and he inherited the fine hair too. He does have a few long strands on the left side of his head. My husband wants to cut it but I won't let him.

    EDIT: Stupid thumbs down fairies....there's no right or wrong answer here!! Everyone has one...grrr...

  17. huh when ever you are ready to get it cut, he is your baby totally up to you,most do it when the kid needs it and has enough hair, but it usually never grows back the same the "baby hair" will prob change and the curls may never come back, my sons never did

  18. My daughter didn't have any hair for the first 14 months of her life! Just a little peach fuzz. lol After it did start growing though, it was growing like crazy. I used to get her bangs cut all the time. Her first haircut was around 17 months. I got tired of trying to keep her hair out of her eyes only because it parts on the side (it refuses to part in the middle) and her sides would end up in her eyes anyway. So if it wasn't her bangs in her eyes, it was the sides of her hair. I am now growing them out and I just pull it back or clip it back. It's so much easier. Obviously, I know you can't do that with a boy though. I don't know how often I'd be getting his hair cut if I had a son!  

  19. My son's hair is starting to get the same way...just plain crazy!  It's starting to cover his ears and is approaching his eyebrows.  It's very fine and he's got two crowns in the back so it sticks straight up there!  We're planning on taking him in sometime this week...if my husband can remember to call his hairdresser and book an appointment, that is.  Brady's 11 months old.

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