
When did you get your baby their shots?

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I am holding of on my little girls shot until she is almost a year old..and I really only want to do them one at a time and I don't think I will be getting all the shots they give now. When did you get your baby their shots and did you do them as the doctor insists or did you do them on your own schedule?




  1. Oh my goodness. You can get into a lot of trouble holding out because it has something to do with your child's health. First of all, at birth is when your child receives it's first shot. Then after that your child will get 3-4 shots each time they go for shots which should be every 2-3 months up until about 18 months then the most they will get is 2 for their 4 year old shots just before they enter school. But you really need to get the shots done sure the baby will cry and it makes you feel bad but the baby will forget almost as soon as the shots have been done. But what you are doing now is torture for the baby's future meaning that they will give the baby so many at a time and schedule for more shots until the baby is caught up. I hope you don't get in trouble when you do decide to get the baby shots. The older the baby gets the more the baby remembers. So the sooner the better. Good Luck!

  2. My daughter received all her shots and boosters.

    My son got his first set last week (3 months Polio, Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus) and will receive a meningitis vaccine next week.

  3. i do it as your supposed to..they are there for a reason and have been around for years and to your doctor about this before making your decision

  4. We choose not to vaccinate at all, so I guess you could say that is by our own schedule. :)

    **Yikes... No you can not get in trouble for delaying or even skipping shots, vaccinations are not mandatory, they are optional. And, while there are laws pertaining to vaccinations for school and daycare, all states offer exemptions to those laws.

  5. My children got their first shots at the age of 2months that's when most doctors start that's when they are recommend and it is easier to let them give them like normal not one at a time if you do that she is going to get so many shots and that will be worse for her actually mean seeing there is a faster way of getting them.

  6. I did them based on an adjusted schedule for premies that the pediatrician recommended so there wasn't so many at one visit but they still got all shots they would be required to have for public school.  They got the first one when they were a week old then they got one shot at almost every appointment (instead of 3-4 at one appointment)

  7. I decided to have his shots done on my own schedule, and I have been breaking it down rather then him receiving 2-4 shots at once I am going in back and forth to the doc to spread them out. I still plan on him getting all his shots because although we don't hear about those diseases like we used to, the germ is still in existence, and studies show that many that we thought were obsolete are actually making a come back due to parents NOT vaccinating, and immigrants from countries where the vaccines are not as accessible coming to this country. My husband was totally against the vaccines, himself not having received any till he was 8 yrs old (he is from central america) but I showed him the statistical info and he gave up the issue.

  8. We are delaying as well then only doing what is required for public school. We use a family doctor and haven't had any pressure. We did have issues when we used a pedi.

  9. Both my daughters got their shots on schedule. birth-2months-4 months-6 months-and so on...their doc didn't insist on it but I felt better with getting all their shots done when they are recommended and the whole amount of shots instead of dragging it out one by one. I know myself that getting shots is not the icing on the cake so I figured if I didn't want to have to go back time after time and get one shot and drag it out then my girls probably wouldn't either...but always do what is comfortable for you.IF you feel its better to wait and get them one by one then by all means go with your gut because no one should tell you how to raise or care for your child but you.

    Good Luck

  10. ok honestly people have been blaming everything on shots and acting like their horrible but do you realize how lucky we are to have medical advances like these? ask a poor mother in africa if given the chance to vaccinate if she would pass in case a unreliable study said it MIGHT cause autism im pretty sure she would vaccinate. don't use the safety of the other vaccinated children around yours as a safety net to skip vasccines. if there was an outbreak of polio in your neighborhood and your baby might of been exposed im sure you would be the first in line for the shots, don't wait till then protect her now.

  11. My son is two months old and hes had his first day blood work shot at the hospital and his first vaccine at 10days and his next one is next week at two and a half months...............i heard its better to get them all out of the way as soon as possible because it just hurts them more when they're older and its harder to get them to sit still when their bigger.

  12. I did them by the schedule my daughter's doctor suggested. I figure he knows more than me about all of that, and i can read stuff on the internet and speculate as much as i want, but there are millions of children who get their shots on time and turn out perfectly normal. not only that, but i want my daughter vaccinated on schedule for potentially serious and deadly diseases. i wouldn't want to mess around with that or fall behind on her shots. but i guess everyone has to do what they feel is right for their children. this is just my opinion.  

  13. my son got his shots at his regular time.  birth, 2 mom, 4 mo, 6 mo...

    i wanted to hold off after what i read about things like SIDS and autism, but ultimately was pressured into vaccinating.  We're military- and military hospitals dont give you much choice.

    remember that day-cares and schools require certain shots, so you can't just skip them.  if you do, you'll have to make them all up.

    my son was fine though, he wasn't phased at all by the shots.

    My parents chose not to vaccinate me, but when I was starting HS I was required to make up all shots I missed.  Otherwise I would have been unable to participate in athletics and I would have had to find a new school.  My state certainly didn't have an exception...

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