
When did you get your first visitors to see the baby besides family..

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I am thinking that i will be too exhausted after the delievery that I don't think I want any visitors besides the inlaws and my parents. Did you have your friends come see you in or out of the hospital and did you find it too much to handle so soon?




  1. I had family and close friends visit me in hospital after the birth.Other than that I told people we would visit them at their homes,that way I could do it when I felt up to it and I could also make my excuses when I had enough.

  2. Well, I didn't have my son until 9:43 at night, so the only people that were there were close family members and my best friend.  Everyone else waited until the next day.

  3. i ahd friends come a few hours after my daughter was born...thats cause i ahd her at 6:14pm so it was still early people came the day after too but they respected me and only stayed for a hour or so...i didnt find the visitors exhausting at all ( i kinda enjoyed the company )

  4. My entire immediate family and a lot of my friends were there at the hospital when my son was born (around 7 p.m.). The rest of my friends and all my extended family visited within the next three or four days, but since that was the week of Thanksgiving it all fell together. Just tell people when to come see you. My sister didn't want to be flooded with relatives so she specified beforehand who was allowed in the room (her husband and mom), who could come immediately after the birth (in-laws, our dad and her siblings/siblings-in-law), and then told the rest of her friends she would call them when she felt strong enough to receive guests.

  5. i had my son late at night , so i didnt have visitors until the next day . there wasnt to many at the hospital , mainly family, but when i got home , they all came running . it wasnt to overwhelming for me . it acutally gave me a chance to rest  alittle .

    just go with how you feel . you might not want company and everyone needs to respect that . there will be plenty of time to see the little one , once you get back in the groove .  

  6. i had like 20-30 people at the hospital when i was in labor..  thats family and friends..  lol..  most of them left after i got into my room after my surgry because i had my son by c-section at 9:08pm..  so most of them gave me a hug and left..  besides my husband i had one friend stay with me in my room the first night i was there:)

  7. We had a couple friends visit us in the hospital --- my bestfriend came on Day 2 of being in the hospital and my husband's bestfriend and wife came on Day 3 (day of discharge).  I was totally OK and happy to see my best-friend (i wanted her to come!), but i was less enthused for my husband's BF.  I was just preoccupied with trying to breastfeed and the moment they arrived the lactation consultant came to see me, so they had to wait. It was just a little chaotic.  

    Definitely do what you feel is right. AND, you can always change your mind. I made no plans whatsoever to let anyone visit us while we were in the hospital. It's only once we there did we invite our friends.  

  8. The grandparents came to visit in the hospital but I waited until I was home for friends to visit - it was about a week after we were back home.  In the hospital I was still learning to breast feed and didn't want any visitors so I could concentrate on learning.

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