
When did you go back to work?

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After having your baby when did you go back to work and did you have nat. or c-section?




  1. I had my baby June 22 and I don't go back to work until next June.  One of the benefits of being Canadian, lol.  Though i think they should increase the maternity benefits to 2 years, lol, but thats me being greedy.

  2. My son was born March 13 and I went back to work for 13 days when he was 9 weeks old.  I had a c-section and had to wait the required 8 weeks.  I chose to go back to pack away my classroom since it was only for 13 days.  He turned 5 months today and school starts next week.  I am still breastfeeding and he has two bottles a day of expressed milk while I am at work getting ready for the school year to start.

    At nine weeks he was sleeping 7 hours at night and was able to stay with my mother.  Now he sleeps 9-10 hours at night and has started attending an in-home daycare.  He seems to have adjusted well and I am enjoying adult conversation again.  However I niss him terribly while I am away.  I am hoping to put money away so that with the second child I can stay home for a year with the two of them:)  

  3. I went back to work at two months and delivered vaginally.

  4. I do tutoring in the afternoons and i only ever took one afternoon off work which was when my waters had broken. I had my baby on friday and was back at work on the monday, and my mum gets grandma time until my partner gets home from work. I'm also at university part time as well, which i only ever got the normal holidays a few weeks after he was born... when he was three weeks old i was holding him in one arm coz that was the only way he'd sleep during the day and doing assignments with the other hand but this semeseter my partners mum gets granny time while i'm at classes one day a week.

    Oh and it was natural ... no stitches or tearing either even though he was 8lb 8!

  5. My daughter is 9 1/2 months old I still haven't gone back.  I want to breastfeed for at least 12 months, and I can accomplish this much better by being at home with her.  If I wasn't able to stay at home, I planned on going back at 6 weeks.  At 3 weeks I felt well enough to get back to work, though.  I had a natural delivery.

  6. I have 4 children.  All were delivered vaginally...

    After my 1st I went back ot work part time after 4 weeks...after my 2nd I went back full-time after 6 weeks...after my 3rd I quit my job because it was too expensive to pay for daycare for 3 kids.  Now I am a stay-home mom with 4 lovely children.

    Go back to work when YOU are comfortable with it.  Physically and emotionally.

  7. i had my first child in april of 2003 and still havent gone back. i am not going to pay someone to watch my child when i can do a better job for free.. lol

  8. My son will be 12 1/2 months when I go back to work.  I had one year of Maternity Leave and am taking 2 weeks vacation before I go back as well.  I delivered my son vaginally with no drugs - not by choice...he just came too quickly!

  9. I went back 3 weeks after a vaginal delivery. shortly after that I found my daughter in her crib not breathing. after being in the hospital a few days she was put on a heart monitor. I will not go back to work until she is at least a year old. It's just not worth it to me to risk anything happening when I am not there. plus I realized I went back too quickly and will never get this time back. I'm just going to enjoy her while she is a baby while keeping a close watch.  

  10. I started a new part-time job (20 hours a week) when our baby was 2 months old. She was a hefty 10.5 lbs, and I was begging for a c-section!! But it was natural.

  11. I had a c-section and took the full 8 weeks suggested by my doctor.  I also took an extra week because I had gallbladder surgery the last week of my leave.

  12. I went back to work after 3 months with my first and a month after my second. They were both c-sections. I should've waited after my second cuz I wasn't ready to even work part time.

  13. I delivered via C-section April 24th and am going back to work tomorrow :(. I'm very sad. My daughter is 16 weeks old and she is sleeping through the night and her days are more consistent so I feel more comfortable going back now. I honestly don't know if I could have gone back to work when she was 6 or even 8 weeks old. I felt she was too little but I certainly understand that sometimes you don't have the option to stay home and have to pay the bills.

  14. I went to work when my daughter was 8 weeks old and I had a c-section. I was ready to go back to work and had no issues.

  15. After my year of Mat. leave was up, i couldn't bare to give my daughter to someone else. I work part time around my husbands schedule. We are exhausted, but Happy! :)

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