
When did you have your first sonogram?

by  |  earlier

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how many weeks were you when you had your 1st sonogram?? my sonogram is going to be at 9 weeks. is a sonogram the same as an ultrasound??? whats the difference? and what does the doc do exactly at a sonogram???




  1. I was 12 weeks when i first got mine done. Yes it is the same. They just look to make sure things are going right.

  2. With my first two children, my first sonogram was at 20-21 weeks. With the child I am carrying, I have had ultrasounds since I was 5 weeks pregnant due to several issues. (Bleeding) Luckily, I am 22 weeks into the pregnancy now. I am still due for yet another ultrasound to monitor progress this Friday.

    Yes, a sonogram is the same as a ultrasound.

  3. They are the same.  My first one was at 8 weeks.

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