
When did you have your first ultrasound (6-13 weeks)?

by Guest32955  |  earlier

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I have an appointment to get my first ultrasound at 6 weeks 2 days..I was thinking to myself am I even going to be able to see anything? Do you think I should wait till 7 or 8 weeks? If you had an early ultrasound like around 5 or 6 weeks, could you even see anything?? Opinions and stories please, thanks gals




  1. With my first baby I had one at 12 weeks and at 22 weeks.

    I am now pregnant with my second and I had one at 10 weeks and I can't wait to have my next one.

  2. Sorry I don't know what to expect at 6 weeks. I had mine at 9 weeks and my baby was bouncing around everywhere and I could see little arms and legs and I heard the heart beat.

    There are web sites that can show you what 6 weeks ultra sound pictures look like to give you an idea.

    Good Luck

  3. my son i was 12 weeks with my daughter i was 9 weeks,

  4. i went in at 6 weeks.. and there was no fetal pole and no heart beat and told me that it was probably a blighted ovum and id miscarry.. i went back at 9 weeks and there was a heart beat and baby was and is fine.

    the only reason they do one so early is to check for viability..which is pretty stupid.

  5. 5.5wks - id already had a msicarriage and i started spotting. i saw her heartbeat, sac etc and all was fine.

    12wks - had a routine dating scan to calculate EDD

    13wks - CUB Scan to determine Nuchal Translucency to calculate the chance of downs.

    20wks - Anomaly scan

    28wks - wasnt a uterine scan, was a kidney and bladder scan but once she checked those out, she showed me my baby which was really nice of her.

    33wks - i was bleeding, they thought it was placenta previa, so they scanned me to look at the placenta.

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