
When did you introduce the pacifier to your breastfed baby?

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When did you introduce the pacifier to your breastfed baby?




  1. I think we gave it to my son at about three weeks, and he did get some type of nipple confusion. And after giving it to him it took me a week to get him to relatch correctly without it hurting me. So now  we don't even have any in the house anymore.  

  2. Never. The idea of a plastic plug in my child's mouth never really meshed well with me.

  3. when mine decided it was a great idea to suck on my boob even if she wasnt hungry it was a comfort thing so i gave her a dummy and held her close like i was feeding (to hold the dummy in at first) she loved it and now takes her dummy tosuck on  

  4. They gave him one in the hospital, but after he came home I didnt try giving him one until this past week. The only reason I tried to give him one was because I got tired of being used as a pacifier. He won't take it though. Wish he would, because I cant even sit down at the diner for a meal with my husband without the baby wanting a suck. He cries and won't take the paci.  

  5. I tried to wait for 6 weeks, but we broke down and caved in at 4 weeks.  

  6. Within 24 hours of birth... and there was absolutely no "nipple confusion".  She also was given sugar water within 6 hours of birth because my breastmilk hadn't come in, and she was hungry.... again, no "nipple confusion".  She knew where the food source was and she knew how to get it.

    Some babies have a need to suck, and it's not realistic to use the breast as a pacifier all the time.  

  7. Both of them at the hospital after they were born.  No issues in either case with "nipple confusion".  

    Just try not to use it too often as baby can become rather dependent on it and it's a hard habit to break without some tears, on both baby and mommy's part!!  

  8. Never.

  9. The nurses gave her one without me knowing the first day.  When I saw it I told them no more pacifiers.  We waited until probably 3 or 4 weeks and she didn't really want it.  She does take one at naps and bedtime now but that's it.

  10. My daughter has used one since birth.

    My son never wanted it  :)

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