
When did you last cough guiltily?

by  |  earlier

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When did you last cough guiltily?




  1. thats the frog in my throat

  2. Trying to drown out some other noises I was making;-)

  3. *Cough* Not guilty... :-)

  4. Just now actually after doing something I should not have done.

  5. *cough cough* never

  6. At the doctors.

    mind you, she was very attractive.

  7. You just did ...

    but as I am never guilty I don't ........... I just get the blame =(

  8. I never cough guiltily.

    *cough, cough, cough*

    I have a tickle in my throat.

  9. Never! And you cant prove it.... cough.

  10. not recently what have you done now dougal? it is your birthday you are not meant to get into trouble

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