
When did you last feel like quitting?

by  |  earlier

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Buckled over screaming

not the way the day

was planned

Over-stressed and dreaming

biding time until

the bluebird lands

Swollen lip and split tongue

urine soaked

smoke stained lung

hack hack

newspaper mattresses

tossing back the day's

suffrage with warm half beers

alley fortresses

can't keep the roaches encroach

and we react

by warming the gullet





  1. I left a bag of ice under the stairs.kick back and chill.Help is on the way.

  2. Giving up is giving in

    the ring of failure

    follows me like a shadow

    every step

    could be my last

    sirens rush like

    sharks to prey

    death falls

    morning is lost

    giving up is giving in


    Answer: Quitting is one thing ...changing is another.

    I hope you enjoyed my poem as much as I enjoyed yours.

  3. Stark reality, of a severe addiction, and the struggle with self.

    "Newspaper mattresses" would that be street people?


  4. Elaine's answer was all I would say, but she said it more eloquently.

    I feel like quitting more often that I should, I am ashamed to admit.


  5. That brings back those memories that keep me straight after  years of  slips,I've now 8  years of sobriety one day at a time.God's in charge and I'm so blessed.Thank you kindly for the reminder.

  6. Buk i just dont know what to say,,..yep,...

    keep it up.........x

  7. Truly dark..Dark reality! Well done!

  8. Marco..... make it a cold one !  

    Edit:  d**n German waiters.

  9. the dark alley

    is of no color

    flowers dead with

    the cawing of the crow

    each breath

    filled with the stench

    of man's filth

    like a sun-dried bottle of beer...

    and so i sit

    in this darkness i ponder

    wonder... what's the point

    of battling the boogeyman...

    ....for sweet dreams in this dark alley...

  10. A very visual poem engaging all the senses. You have a unique ability, poetic and spiritual. I had a professor of literature once who said, "Don't be afraid to state the obvious." Trouble is, most people shy away from the obvious, while you turn it into superb poetry.

  11. its okay Buk, *hands u a bagel* ♥ everee bodee feels liek that once in a whiel.  

  12. I can hear the clinking of the bottles..up the stairs as I read..and the disdain..he feels in his beer..gross..

  13. Well done, poet.  I agree encroach should be made into a participle, i.e., encroaching, since it does not seem to work as a gerund, bastardization notwithstanding.  You really do have a style befitting Bukowski.  A side of Mr. Panarchy that I hope will continue to evolve.

  14. you are a man of many talents. never stop. the poem tells me that you had a ruff time of it last night. eat that warmth.  

  15. Nothing east about the Big Easy streets this morning...You see...others wonder, but you see...TY  

  16. Great visuals here, but I'm struggling with the line " Can't keep the roaches encroach.."  . Just can't seem to make it make sense?

    Otherwise a good read.

  17. now

  18. Buk: What's wrong, TD?

    TD (short of breath): I've been running from the law.

    Buk: The Poetry Police?

    TD: Who elected that guy, anyway?

    Buk: This is not a democracy.

    TD: Huh?

    Buk: That's right. On Yahioo!Answers, anybody can setup a puppet state and dictate from on high.

    TD: You think the guy gets high?

    Buk: You know what they say, "Cops keep the good stuff."


  19. You make me aware of the suffering of others and the lack of mine own.

  20. Let's see? it started August 8, 2001, the last day I worked because of disability, and is still actively in progress as I answer your question, Buc!

    ( Not quitting, like walking off the job, but quitting, like giving up on life, in general.)

  21. i shall never feel the urge or temptation to drink again!

    ah.. poetry does this to people, especially when its exceptionally well written. actually for some reason i found some aspects of the poem quite humorous.anyway let me get to the point, great poem!

    and yes, thanks for sharing:D

  22. Another Buk Masterpiece

  23. That's very sad Buk. I feel like quitting all the time but I keep going on. That's what we have to do in life is to keep going on. No matter what happens. Quitting is for losers and I don't feel like losing right now.

  24. Last night.

    Nice poem, Buk.  You really do have a way with words.  You seem to catch the essence of a homeless drunk while at his bottom.

  25. I feel so dumb!  

  26. Nive Buk, just plain nice. And don't I wish I could just quit. LOL

  27. There are times I am not sure I like you very much. Your words and images can hit too close to home, too close to my own fears.


    just had a thought, as always take it or leave it. Suggest substituting 'avoid' (or stop) for "..'keep' the roaches..." Poetic license allows the line but I wonder if it might 'improve' the flow of the eye. I hesitate to even make the suggestion to be honest...

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