
When did you last get paid in £50 notes.?

by Guest60734  |  earlier

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When did you last get paid in £50 notes.?




  1. 2004

  2. My mother-in-law always gives me £50's when refunding me for work I've done at her house.  The problem is that I need to put it all into the bank because half the shops won't take them!

  3. I'V never had a £50 note. I don't think I ever seen one except on TV

  4. From a big win at the bookies.

  5. Never, most jobs these days pay straight into the bank so you never even see the cash.  Did work for a bank once though and saw loads of them

  6. since I live in America, where we get paid in dollars not pounds,  I'd say NEVER.

  7. Never :(. X

  8. I've never had one. Never.

  9. last sunday, i am a cabbie in Swindon, bloke went to Marlborough and back, one note was a 50 quidder!

  10. When I last played Monopoly!

    I have to be honest and say I've never had a £50. Not keen on them, as they are too large for everyday use.

    Too much risk of them being forged as well.

  11. not seen one

  12. 1994, actually, my boss was away and I was in charge of the money. When I'd paid the wages out and put the rest aside, I took my wages out but needed to pay my landlady so gave her a Fifty in the total.

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