
When did you last have a great big belly laugh, and why ?

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When did you last have a great big belly laugh, and why ?




  1. Playing on my Wii last night. I kept beating my ultra competative friend on Wii sports and they got all Sulky and Huffy at me!! Reallly funny!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. What is the stupid importance of belly laugh  in General Environment category ??

  3. Tuesday night, my grand daughter Em and my grand dog Dutchess.  

    Em (3) hooked up Dutchess (9 months) to her leash.  She yells come on Dutch and then takes off running.  She comes back being hauled by Dutchess (backwards).  Then they gave up the leash and just ran back and forth for a while.

    Em has a pop up tent.  We were throwing Dutchess toys into the tent and she would jump in and threw.  Em was yelling and laughing and thought it was just great.  Dutchess wasn't paying attention and Em got in the tent to get the toy.  Papa threw a different toy in, in went Dutchess out the back threw Emily, quick scream and then a little trembling .... "Oh Dutchess"   Papa she scared me.  

    Does not sound that funny but it brought about 45 mintues of huge laughs and good times.  Grand kids and Granddogs are great!

  4. Every time I read one of Dana's answers.

  5. It was watching a video of 'Chubby Brown' the comedian.

  6. The other day with my husband he said something stupid and we both got the giggles and couldn't stop, in the end we were laughing just because we couldn't stop laughing.

  7. I was watching The Ring, great movie lots of funny parts.

  8. We're not very busy at work and so we've taken to having paper aeroplane fights.  Only it's guaranteed that whoever is actually trying to work gets hit in the face by a stray one :D

  9. This morning while having breakfast with my colleagues at work. We started talking about what happened on the underground yesterday (a guy took out a fake gun and people panicked) and we started coming up with different versions of the event and what we would have done etc. and it all ended up with everybody actually rolling with laughter as one of our colleagues pretended to be some kind of superman, well, the conversation became totally absurd and hilariously funny...

  10. When Hillary started crying

  11. Yesterday while I was @ school. My friend and I were just joking around. We seem to feed off each other's energy.

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