
When did you last have a train journey?

by Guest64146  |  earlier

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do you like train travel?




  1. Chicago to Seattle on the "Empire Builder then down the west coast to Los Angeles on the "Coast Starlight" then east to San Antonio on the "Sunset Limited" then north to Chicago on the "Texas Eagle."

  2. August 20, 2000.  Deadheaded home from Klamath Falls, Oregon, to Dunsmuir, California.  The last trip of a 29 year career.

  3. I took the Train to London .That where my daughter was going to school. I went a few days early to help her pack. :)

    Before that I went across the country. From Windsor to Banff Alta

  4. hi blue, took a train jorney, last year when i was on holiday

  5. 1968 Yokosuka to Tokyo. I did enjoy the train ride.

  6. i get the train every day - but a long train journey - back in may from paris to avignon - it's grand as long as you aren't hungover lol,n bring lots of snacks coz they always rip u off -  costs alot more than 50cent on thomas lolxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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