
When did you last pulled through a rough time?

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When did you last pulled through a rough time?




  1. Last years I lost two Dobermanns, the first to cancer in Feb 2007 and the second to heart failure in Nov 2007.

  2. eh?

    I don't know, i don't keep track.

  3. Going through one right now =( ....It hurtss...Still pulling my way through it

  4. Just about every day...yup!♥

  5. All last week and continuing♥

  6. When I was living in the heights and depths of a bad nightmare, thankfully I now have a brilliant life but I've made it so.

  7. Recently at work, but I refused to give in and surprised all my managers and gained their respect, so it worked out not bad.  The blood, sweat and lots or tears payed off.

  8. Wednesday

  9. Right now, getting there tho :)

  10. stil tryin..

  11. The past couple of years having a strange mysterious life threatening illness,and it's attendant high risk surgeries, and not being expected to survive.  I survived.

  12. Still pulling through it now...

  13. Last year.!!!

  14. few years ago

  15. Last night.

    I'm feeling a lot better.

  16. I always pulling through a rough time...

  17. A week ago my lovely mother died.

  18. Every day ,its an ongoing thing , life goes on , so one must grin and bear it  

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