
When did you last tell someone you loved them..?

by  |  earlier

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Almost perfect... That's a shame.. you should try it... :)




  1. this mornin

  2. Like 2 min ago. just hung up with my bf. :)

  3. Last night on the phone

  4. less than 2 hrs ago

  5. 3 days ago

  6. A few minutes ago

  7. earlier today

  8. today.

  9. Um...I really can't remember. That's kinda sad. I do love em though.

  10. 15 minutes ago to my girlfreind and my pet dog.

  11. i said it to my daddy earlier and i said it to my one friends the other day

  12. Today :)

  13. Probably family quite often. But other than that, it's been a long time.  

  14. All the time

    Friends + Family

    Its a great feeling very liberating

    and when people reciprocate that feels almost as good

  15. today

  16. This morning, i was talking to my best friend on the phone and i told her i loved her and bye...

  17. I honestly can't remember, but whenever it was I probably didn't mean it.  

  18. this morning  

  19. about 2 minutes ago... my 4 year old granddaughter was getting put to bed by her mom (my daughter).

    And I'll say it again in about 30 minutes when my 12 year old grandson goes to bed.

    I said it 2 hours ago to my 6 year old grandson who got picked up by his mom (another daughter)

  20. I told my baby ricky that I loved him about 2 hours ago and then txted him just to confirm it because he's my world..!

  21. im not sure really  

  22. a few minutes ago to my boyfriend on the phone

  23. I tell him every day

  24. ive never told any1 that

  25. never..

  26. Around 12:25 pm today.  Eastern Time :)

  27. my best friend this afternoon when she dropped me off of work and so far today i have told my son, my dad, my brother, and my mom but my friend was the last one...

  28. never have

  29. i'm just about to do it....i love ye x

  30. A few hours ago to my daughter when she came home late. Relief!!

    ...oh and today to my pet dog Alfie, in the pic.  He is adorable! : )

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